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宝宝们,今天我们来学习一下spect这个词根。spect来自拉丁语specere,“to look,看”;和scop同源,来自意大利语scopo,希腊语skopos,意思是“目标”;来自梵语spasati,“看”,希腊语skopein,“看,认为”;来自德语spähen "监视"。到了17世纪才有“眼界,范围”的意思。

① inspect [ ɪnˈspekt ] 考研 CET6 CET4 TOEFL

vt.检查,检验; 视察 vi.进行检查; 进行视察


来自拉丁语inspicere,看,观察,检查。由前缀in(into)+specere(to look)=inspect,看进去,检查。衍生词有inspector检查员;inspection检察(名词)。

1. The Public Utilities Commission inspects us once a year.


2. The customs inspector was on the watch for diamond smugglers.


3. Officers making a routine inspection of the vessel found fifty kilograms of the drug.

对船只进行例行检查的警官发现了 50 千克的毒品。

4. There is nothing secretive about the Ombudsman's work, for his correspondence is open to public inspection.

司法特派员的工作没有什么秘密可言,他的信件是公开的,供公众监督。(节选自《新概念英语》第三册 Lesson 53 : In the public interest)

② prospect [ ˈprɒspekt ] 考研 CET6 CET4 GRE TOEFL IELTS

n.前景; 期望; 眺望处; 景象

vi.勘探; 勘察; (矿等)有希望; 有前途 vt.找矿; 对…进行仔细调查


来自拉丁语prospectus (远方的景色)。前缀pro- "forward,向前" + specere "看"=向前看,包括时间上和空间上的向前看。上一期我们将precede这个词时提到过,pre-这个前缀有“向前”的意思,同理pro-这个前缀也有“向前”的意思。例如:

progress 进步(pro+gress走→向前走)

project 投射出;工程项目(pro+ject扔+扔向前面→投射;引申为工程项目)

prologue 前言,序言(pro+logue说→在前面说→前言)


1. I chose to work abroad to improve my career prospects.


2. It has broad prospection in the field of ophthalmic medication.


③ perspective [ pəˈspektɪv ] CET6 TEM8 IELTS

n.透镜,望远镜; 观点,看法; 远景,景色; 洞察力 adj.(按照)透视画法的; 透视的


来自古法语perspective,来自拉丁语perspectiva ars "视觉" ,拉丁语perspicere "仔细看,看透";由前缀per "through,通过,透" + specere "看" =看透,透镜,洞察。到了16世纪末意大利语prospettiva才有“透视画法”的意思。什么是透视画法?YouTube君给大家普及一下,说白了就是3D画法,也就是远处的房子比近处的小,简单吧,但是在15世纪之前人们画画只会把重要的人物或物体画大,其实艺术画不需要遵守自然规律的,只要脑洞够大即可。现代英语有了“见解,观点”等意思。

1. He says the death of his father 18 months ago has given him a newperspective on life.


2. Today we can see even his famous clash with the Inquisition in something like its proper perspective.

甚至他和宗教法庭的著名冲突,我们今天也能正确如实地看待。 (节选自《新概念英语》第四册 Lesson 32 : Galileo reborn 伽利略的复生)

④ retrospect [ ˈretrəspekt ] CET6 TEM8 IELTS

n. 回顾,追溯 vi. 回顾,追溯;回想 vt. 回顾;追忆


来自拉丁语retrospectum,"回顾" 。前缀retro- "back,向后"+ specere "看" =向后面看,回顾。这个词比recall、remember高大上很多,美剧《波士顿法律》里的人都爱用in retrospect,“回想起来”。想通过看美剧来学习高级词汇的首选Boston Legal,发音也非常清晰;SAT考试里非常常见的一类文章就是一个名人回忆小时候的经历,也会用in retrospect。前缀retro-表示“向后”,比如retrovert向后弯曲;retroject向后抛(还记得前面的project吗?)。

1. It was a very strange feeling in retrospect — I was frightened, but excited at the same time.


2. In retrospect, this has been a prosperous year.


⑤ circumspect[ ˈsɜ:kəmspekt ] GRE SAT



来自拉丁语circumspectus "周到的,防备的" ,来自 circumspicere "look around, take heed,环顾,留心" 前缀circum- "around,向四周" + specere "to look" =向四周看,谨慎的。其实前缀circum- 大家应该能猜出来是“四周,周围”的意思,比如circumstance(四周的环境),circumcise(割包皮)。

1. The banks should have been more circumspect in their dealings.


2. For that reason, I'm a bit circumspect about the articles that we publish.


关于作者: luda

