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know 知道,了解

our 我们的

Ms 女士

old 老的,年纪大的

young 年轻的,岁数不大的

funny 滑稽的,可笑的

kind 体贴的;慈祥的;宽容的

strict 要求严格的,严厉的


Great! 太棒了!


( C )1. A、know B、see C、day

( A )2. A、you B、our C、your

( C )3. A、Ms B、Mr C、PC

( A )4. A、tall B、old C、young

( A )5. A、funny B、tallC、short

( B )6. A、kind B、happy C、strict


( C )1.A、know B、no C、for

( B )2.A、hour B、your C、our

( A )3.A、old B、office C、box

( B )4.A、thought B、young C、yours

( C )5.A、funny B、cup C、ruler

( A )6.A、give B、nice C、kind

( B )7.A、strict B、rice C、six


( C )1、—Do you like English?

C、Yes,I do.

( A )2、She is a kind and teacher.


( A )3、This is a girl. name is Lily.


( B )4、This is a bird.I don’t know name.


( B )5.—Who’s she?

B、She’s my teacher.


1、 He is our music teacher.


2、 I like funny teachers.


3、 Who’s your art teacher?


4、— Do you know Mr Young?


— No,I don’t.


5、— Is he young?


— No,he isn’t.





will (谈及将来)将要 sometimes 有时,间或 like 像

nice 和蔼的 polite 有礼貌的;客气的

clever 聪明的;聪颖的 shy 害羞的;腼腆的

hard-working 工作努力的;辛勤的 helpful 有用的;愿意帮忙的

robot 机器人 him (用作宾语或表语)他 make 做;制造

speak 会说;会讲(某种语言);用(某种语言)说 finish 完成;做好


will be 会成为,会是

at home 在家

speak Chinese and English 说汉语和英语

finish my homework 完成我的家庭作业


Really? 真的吗?

Cool! 酷!


( B )1. A、make B、will C、finish

( C )2. A、sometimes B、often C、time

( A )3. A、like B、small C、long

( C )4. A、nice B、polite C、robot

( B )5. A、clever B、speakC、helpful

( C )6. A、shy B、hard-working C、work


( A )1.A、will B、write C、like

( A )2.A、sometimes B、him C、finish

( C )3.A、nice B、bike · C、kid

( B )4.A、cleverB、weC、very

( B )5.A、lovely B、shy C、baby

( C )6.A、hard-working B、farm C、dollar

( C )7.A、speak B、please C、breakfast


( A )1、He is not home now.

A、at B、to C、on

( C )2、Look at the black cloud.It will .

A、rainy B、warmC、rain

( B )3、Can you English?

A、tell B、speakC、talk

( A )4、I finish the book.

A、reading B、read C、write

( A )5、—What’s your brother like?

A、He’s tall. B、He’s a student. C、He likes singing.


1、 Ms Wang will be our new Chinese teacher.

2、 My grandpa made him.

3、 He can speak Chinese and English.

4、 He is very helpful at home.

5、 He makes me finish my homework!

6、— What’s she like?

— She’s kind.




only 只;仅 must 一定;必须 shoot 射门;投篮

miss 错过,未击中 join 加入 show 展示

score 得分;打分数 goal 进球得分;目标 win 赢,获胜


only know 只知道

must be 一定是

score ten goals 进十个球

ten to three 十比三


( C )1. A、they B、them C、only

( C )2. A、must B、will C、make

( A )3. A、show B、tall C、long

( A )4. A、miss B、thin C、short

( B )5. A、join B、footballC、win

( C )6. A、goal B、score C、funny


( A )1.A、only B、stop C、box

( C )2.A、must B、much C、blue

( B )3.A、shoot B、book · C、afternoon

( C )4.A、miss B、joinC、time

( A )5.A、show B、whoC、two

( C )6.A、score B、for C、do

( C )7.A、win B、sit C、five


( B )1、Our new PE teacher will today!

A、coming B、come C、to come

( B )2、I’m go now.My mother is ill.

A、must B、have toC、can

( B )3、We strong.

A、am B、areC、is

( C )4、Oh,three one,we win the football game.

A、on B、at C、to

( A )5、—Can I join you?

A、Sure. B、Thank you. C、See you.


1、F2、B3、A4、D5、E 6、C


一、1. A 2.C  3.B  4.C 5.A

二、1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. A

三、1. young2. polite3. clever4.strict5. helpful

四、1. Does(Do)2. ours(our)3. Whose(Who's)

4. in(at) 5. How's(What's)

五、1. Who is your English teacher?(谁是你的英语老师?)

2. What is Mike like?(迈克长什么样?)

3. Robin is short but strong. /Robin is strong but short. (罗宾很矮但是很 强壮。/罗宾很强壮但是很矮)

4. Is your science teacher funny?(你的科学老师有趣吗?)

5. He is our music teacher. (他是我们的音乐老师。)

六、1. C2. D 3. A;E4. B

七、1. Who will be your new music teacher?

2. What's your head teacher like?

3. Is Robin really clever?

4. No, she isn't.

5. Wu Yifan is hard­working, too.

八、1.B 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.B

6.B 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.C

九、1.B 2.A 3.A 4.B

十、1. D2. A3. B4. E5. C


关于作者: admin

