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Why do men call their wives wives? Because this marriage begins with Yuelao and ends with Meng Po.


I've seen ten miles of spring breeze, the summer solstice, autumn sunshine and winter sunshine, all of which can't match you. I want to see you.


Hello, you have a new love order, please collect me in time.


I can't tell you how much I like you. I just know how much I like you at present, which is beyond the reach of all the other things I like. You are the first and far ahead.


When we first started shopping together, I kept a certain distance from you for fear of meeting acquaintances. Finally, one time, you suddenly pulled my arm tightly from behind, and then, when we went to the street, we were never separated.

当你真的喜欢一个人的时候,花钱是最直接能够表达自己情意的方式,这跟物质本身没关系,而是我喜欢你,所以想尽力让你开心,你想要的我都想给,就是想给你花点钱。 ​​​​

When you really like a person, spending money is the most direct way to express your feelings. It has nothing to do with the material itself, but I like you, so I want to make you happy, I want to give you what you want, that is, I want to give you some money. ​​​​



"Do you think I'm not good at it? How could I possibly drop my pen 10 times in a class, not to attract your attention?

"Do you think I'm crazy? I don't concentrate on listening in class and pick up pens for a girl every day."

所有的情话,我最喜欢 “过来抱抱” 这句。 ​​​

Of all the love words, I like the phrase "come and embrace". ​​​

你不用做那个乖乖听话才能拿到星星的小朋友,就算你耍赖,闹小脾气,我也最最偏心你,口袋里的糖果都给你,连同天上的星星一并摘给你,因为我最最喜欢你。 ​​​

You don't have to be that obedient kid to get the if you cheat and have a petty temper, I'm most partial to you.All the candies in my pocket are for you, along with the stars in the sky, because I like you most.

关于作者: admin

