操作序列步骤在操作系统Win7x64上应用操作序列adkpe PE _ zh _ cn _ win 7 x 64 and win 2019 2021 0502失败(错误代码为0x80070091)。
有关详细信息,请与系统管理员或支持人员联系查看X:\windows\temp\smstslog\ 日志信息
Unable to delete file \\?\D:\Windows\Temp\TMP000017379DED90F170745ACC (0x80070570). Continuing.
Unable to delete directory D:\Windows\Temp (0x80070091). Continuing.
Installation of image 1 in package 88800002 failed to complete..
The directory is not empty. (Error: 80070091; Source: Windows)
Failed to run the action: 应用操作系统Win7x64. Error -2147024751
The execution of the group (安装操作系统) has failed and the execution has been aborted. An action failed. Error 0x80004004
Failed to run the last action: 应用操作系统Win7x64. Result -2147024751. Execution of task sequence failed.
发现是删除旧系统 D:\Windows\...目录路径下文件失败,有多条日志信息D:\ Windows\... (0x80070091).错误代码
按F8打开命令窗口输入powershell 进入ps命令模式,再敲命令手动格式化D盘,待格式化完成后重启再进入OSD模式应用操作系统步骤就不会再报错删除系统目录文件失败了。
输入: Format-Volume -DriveLetter D -FileSystem NTFS