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While were walking,we were watching window washers ' wash Washington ' s windows with warm washing water。


sarah saw a shot-silk sash shop full of shot-silk sashes as the sunshine shone on the side of the shot-silk sash shop.


I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won't wish the wish you wish to wish.


Whether the weather be fine or whether the weather be not.

Whether the weather be cold or whether the weather be hot.

We'll weather the weather whether we like it or not.




I thought a thought. But the thought I thought wasn't the thought I thought I thought.

If the thought I thought I thought had been the thought I thought, I wouldn't have thought so much.


A pleasant peasant keeps a pleasant pheasant and both the peasant and the pheasant are having a pleasant time together.


A flea and a fly flew up in a flue. Said the flea, “Let us fly!” Said the fly, “Let us flee!” So they flew through a flaw in the flue.


A snow-white swan swam swiftly to catch a slowly-swimming snake in a lake.


A tutor who tooted a flute tried to tutor two tooters to toot. Said the two to their tutor, “Is it harder to toot or to tutor two tooters to toot?”


All I want is a proper cup of coffee made in a proper copper coffee pot, you can believe it or not, but I just want a cup of coffee in a proper coffee pot. Tin coffee pots or iron coffee pots are of no use to me. If I can’t have a proper cup of coffee in a proper copper coffee pot, I’ll have a cup of tea!


A bitter biting bittern bit a better brother bittern, and the bitter better bittern bit the bitter bittern back. And the bitter bittern, bitten, by the better bitten bittern, said: “I’m a bitter biter bit, alack!”


关于作者: admin

