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Snowflakes are scattered and cool. Sigh to the candle on Christmas night. Pleasant smile, like bright light. Deep-rooted tenderness, shining like a star. The heart sea is rising tide. I wish you peace. Aibo is more than just spending Christmas together.


If you don't receive gifts at Christmas, come to me and get a 37 degree hug.


Waiting for snowflakes, Christmas trees, new year's smoke, fire and better yourself.


First snow and hot coffee, New Year bell and countdown, all bad things are experiences, and all good things will meet at the end.


In December, there are Christmas, crystal balls, snow covered nights, star like lights, fairy tale books by the fire, and miracles.


I smell the smell of Christmas. My favorite festivals are coming slowly. Will you come as promised.


If one night a fat man jumps into your window, grabs you and puts it in a sack, don't worry. I told Santa that I wanted you to be my Christmas present. Merry Christmas!


At this time of year, we all get a Christmas plague. Lovers are infected with romance, friends are infected with joy, and one person is infected with loneliness. We all spend our time in the same atmosphere. Some people enjoy, some suffer, some suffer without happiness, the joy is strengthened, and the loneliness is also strengthened. That is Christmas. No matter how we spend it, we are not alone, and none of us is left alone. Merry Christmas!


It's called Christmas when there is an object. I can remember Jesus at most; Those who have an object are called New Year's Eve. I can stay up late at most; Those who have an object are called the new year. I'm one year older.


There is no Santa Claus in the world. All surprises and gifts come from people who love you.

11、十二月太多盼头了,盼着平安夜 圣诞节 倒计时跨年 元旦 烟花 回家 春节 和 你

There's too much to look forward to in December. I'm looking forward to Christmas Eve, the countdown to Christmas, the new year's Day fireworks, going home with you during the Spring Festival

12、圣诞节真的是一个温柔又温暖的节日了,可以在这飘雪的岁末里,富有仪式感又温柔地对待生命里珍贵的人说上一句:“圣诞快乐 喜乐长安 ”。

Christmas is really a gentle and warm Festival. At the end of the snowy year, we can say "Merry Christmas and happy Chang'an" with a sense of ceremony and tenderness to the precious people in life.


The beauty of all life turns into a "Merry Christmas", and then white snowflakes fly all over the sky and fall into every clean and unclean corner of the world.


Have you ever loved someone? She looks like the sunshine on Christmas morning, the little squirrel on the pine branch after the first snow, the mud splashed on the pedestrian's trouser legs on the path in rainy days, and the most beautiful roses.


Winter is very busy. We should wear Christmas hats for trees, bells for reindeer, weave scarves, write greeting cards, send gifts to each other with friends, have some dreams in the warm quilt, hug everything and hug you.


May all gains be expected, and all losses be unimpeded. Embrace the whole winter with warmth.


Every snowflake falling in Christmas is the warmest letter in winter.

关于作者: admin

