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flowers can not be separated from the support of green leaves、water can not be separated from the accompanying stream和students can not be sess



When the things that came in January are finally finished, thank you for meeting you, happy Teacher's Day!8

3. 十年树木,百年树人,老师们,你们辛苦了,祝福教师节快乐,生活顺心!

It takes ten years to grow trees but a hundred years to rear people Teachers, you have worked hard, I wish a happy teachers'day, a happy life.

4. 所有做过的题目都变成一句感谢。

All the topics that have been done become a thank you.

5. 写过无数句子,却永远也写不出您最美的样子。教师节快乐!

As a result, countless sentences can never write your most beautiful look. Happy teachers'day!

6. 讲台上,想给您无言的掌声,灯光下,想给您暖心的热茶。

I want to give you silent applause on the stage, and I want to give you warm heart hot tea under the light.

7. 教书育人始不停,师爱无价记心中。

Teaching and educating people is always in the heart of the teacher's love.

8. 又是一道送分题,人生没有送分题,好在您曾教过标准答案。

It is also a sub-question, life did not send a sub-question, but fortunately you have sold the standard answer.

9. 又是一年桃李芬芳,师恩如山,师爱如海,是您日夜付出,您的全面教导,成就了如今兢兢业业的我。

Another year, the peach and plum fragrance, the teacher is as good as the mountain. Teacher love such as the sea is cotton, day and night to pay your comprehensive teaching, the achievements of today's dedicated me.

10. 春风化雨润花蕊,三尺讲台写春秋。不慕名利和地位,平凡之中见伟大。一心教书传,不忘育人明事理。虽有桃李满天下,甘居清贫不后悔。教师节到了,老师,您辛苦了!

The spring breeze rains and moistens the stamens, and the three-foot platform writes the Spring and Autumn Period, not admiring fame and fortune and status. See the greatness in the ordinary, and teach with one heart and not forget to educate people. So I fled the world, citrus Qingping does not regret. Just received the teacher, you have worked hard.

责任编辑: 鲁达

