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1、the road is difficult、not in the water、not in the mountains、only in the human repeated between。

2、 努力就有收获,相爱就会在一起,这是世界上最大的两个谎言,却一直支撑着我们年少时的跌跌撞撞。

2、 hard work pays off, love will be together, these are the world’s two biggest lies, but has been supporting our young stumble。

3、 别离是对感情的考验,情侣怕别离 ,往往以海誓山盟来抗拒别离的变卦,法国有谚语将爱情比作火,将别离比作风,风吹灭微弱的火,吹旺强劲的焰。

3. Separation is a test of love, lovers are afraid of separation, often Miotsukushi to resist the change of departure, a French proverb compares love to fire, separation to style, the wind blows out the weak fire, blows up the strong flame。

4、 在有生的瞬间能遇见你,竟花光所有运气。

4、It took all my luck to meet you in the blink of an eye。

5、 我来到这个世界,为了看看太阳和蓝色的地平线。

5、 I came into this world to see the sun and the Blue Horizon。


6、 We were young. Through the ruins of the old pines and Cypresses, we came to the cliff. Bathed in the setting sun, calm as water, we looked to the distant clouds drifting. In fact, nothing to see, the joys and sorrows of life far beyond the horizon, and overlooking is a gesture of youth。

7、 你说,我在你心里永远是少年。在那么多次我快要跟生活妥协的时候,只要想起这句话,就能再撑那么一会儿。只要我还是曾经的少年,就无法停止爱你,而爱你这件事,让我永远是当初的那个少年。

7、 You say, I will always be a teenager in your heart. All those times I was on the verge of compromising my life, just thinking about it would have kept me going a little longer. As long as I was once a teenager, can not stop loving you, and love you this thing, let me always be the original that young。

8、 结束人生痛苦的,往往是更大的痛苦。也只有痛苦,才能逼着你自己心里有光,推着自己开采希望。

8、 It’s often the greater pain that ends the pain. Only the pain, in order to force your own heart there is light, push yourself mining hope。

9、别离是对感情的考验,情侣怕别离 ,往往以海誓山盟来抗拒别离的变卦,法国有谚语将爱情比作火,将别离比作风,风吹灭微弱的火,吹旺强劲的焰。

9、Separation is a test of love, lovers are afraid of separation, often Miotsukushi to resist the change of departure, a French proverb compares love to fire, separation to style, the wind blows out the weak fire, blows up the

10、 此生来生都愿识尽世间好人,读尽世间好书,看尽世间好山水,天上风景再好,从不羡慕。

10、 this life would like to know all the good people in the world, read all the good books in the world, see all the good mountains and rivers in the world, the sky scenery again, never envy。

关于作者: admin

