today is Halloween . let me introduce myself . I like your coward
We girls are lovely ghosts whose gods have fallen on earth
三,万圣节出演 色鬼 哥哥可别让我逮住你。
Don't let me catch you when you play goat brother on Halloween.
四,万圣节就要到了 哥哥的糖不知道有没有我甜。
Halloween is coming. My brother's candy is not as sweet as mine.
五,歪歪扭扭的月光照亮弯曲的小路 通往女巫和她的南瓜屋。
The crooked moonlight illuminates the winding path leading to the witch and her pumpkin house.
六,单身久了万圣节都激动 万一今天晚上有个女鬼来追我呢。
Being single for a long time makes me excited on Halloween in case a female ghost comes after me tonight.
七,糖给你 你给我 这个交易做不做
Here's the sugar. Will you give me this deal or not?
八,今晚万圣节 我代表我的十八辈祖宗向您问号 要是有不点赞的 稍后我会带领他们登门拜访。
tonight on Halloween, I say hello to you on behalf of my 18th generation ancestors. If there is anything that I don't like, I will lead them to visit later.
九,今夜不做甜心小宝贝 要做夺你命的可爱鬼。
Don't be a sweetheart tonight, baby. Be a lovely ghost who took your life.
十,今天万圣节 可以扮你男(女)朋友吗?
Can you play your boyfriend (girlfriend) today Halloween?
十一,安静的夜 小仙女踩着欢快的步伐挨家挨户来要糖了。
On a quiet night, the fairy came from house to house with cheerful steps to ask for sugar.
Don't go out at random on Halloween, in case the ghost is scared to death.
十三,歪歪扭扭的月光照亮歪曲的小路 通往女巫和她的南瓜小屋。
The crooked moonlight illuminates the crooked path leading to the witch and her pumpkin hut
十四,今天小鬼会偷偷跑出来 快来我怀里我保护你。
Today, kids will sneak out. Come to my arms and I'll protect you.
You are a sweet candy on Halloween.