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A diary for my yunduo 'er

Day 1399、Oct 12、2021 (Tue)


That got your goat,granted .


An idea popped into your head. Going it alone, you moved the ladder to the fridge and clambered onto it, but the tactics still failed to get the box within your reach. Perched on the top of the ladder, you hugged yourself, moping. Mummy deflected your attention from the box by giving you a bath. She told me to get the ladder out of there and squirrel away the box while you were in your bathtub. I did. After bath, you continued pestering mummy for the box. While your back was turned, mummy asked me under her breath where the stash of the box was. I said also in an undertone it was in the study. Then we padded into the study, where I took out the box from its stash and mummy dug out in a split second all the colored pens and put them on the bookshelf, leaving only a few cards and an eraser in the box. Then I got the almost empty box to you in the bedroom. You opened the box and peered into it, your eyes glinting with anticipation. Of course, there was very little stuff there, but you didn't smell a rat. With that, the curtain fell on the night battle of wits, with you, a 3-year-old, on one side and mummy and I, two adults, on the other. We limped to victory.


关于作者: admin

