Keywords About Snow眼睛关键字
雪雪雪雪雪雪雪雪雪雪雪雪雪雪雪雪雪雪雪雪雪雪雪雪雪雪雪雪雪雪白雪飞雪紫地展闪羽般的雪花fluttering flap the first snow第一场雪雪雪the first snowflakes第一场雪雪雪雪snow with rain雨夹雪雪雪雪雪雨夹雪
How do we describe the snow?你怎么形容眼睛?
1.It's snowing。下雪了。
2. It's snowy outside.外面下雪了。
3. Look!We have a snowfall.快看!下雪了。
4. Snowflakes are fluttering/dancing in the air.How beautiful it is!雪花在空中飘扬/雪花在空中飞舞。多美啊!
5. Big snowflakes are patting against the windowpane.鹅毛大雪正扑簌簌地拍打着窗户。
6. Look at these feathery snowflakes. Finally it starts to snow.看这些羽毛似的雪花,终于下雪了。
7. Wow!The first snow comes so early this year.哇!今年的初雪可真早。
8. The first snowflakes are falling down.第一场雪正纷纷扬扬地落下。
9. The weatherman says it will snow with rain.天气预报说今天有雨夹雪。
10. It may sleet tonight.今晚可能有雨夹雪。
11. Do you wanna take a walk in the snow? It’s snowing slightly.你想不想来个雪中漫步?外面正在下小雪。
12. There was a heavy snow last night. I even can’t find my car this morning.昨晚下了场大雪。早上我连我的车都没找着。
13. We have snowfalls throughout the week and a snowstorm warning.雪要下一整周,还有暴风雪预警。
Time to remove the snow!该扫雪了!
pile up 堆积melt 融化remove the snow 扫雪sweep the snow away 扫雪shovel the snow 扫雪snow sweeper/snowplow 扫雪机
1. It snowed heavily. We all sit in the kitchen with hot milk in our hands and watched the snow pile up.雪下得很大。我们都坐在厨房里,手里端着热牛奶,看着雪一点点堆积起来。
2. The snow showed no sigh of melting. Come on, let’s remove the snow and clear the way.雪一点融化的迹象都没有。快点!我们得清除路上的积雪。
3. Here comes a snowplow sweeping the snow away.扫雪车来扫雪了。
4. Don’t be lazy. At Least we should shovel the snow in front of our house.别犯懒,至少得把房子前的雪给扫了。