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根据《中华人民共和国出境入境管理法》第39条第2款,外国人在酒店外居住或住宿的,必须在入住后24小时内申报住宿登记。否则,在警告的同时,可能会处以2000韩元以下的罚款。in accordance with the provisions of the second paragraph of article 39 of 《the Law of the people's Republic of China on the administration of exit and entry》,Foreigners who reside or lodge in places other the

根据上述规定,所有居住在中国旅游或工作场所的外国人都必须依法进行临时住宿登记。Above-mentioned,for all foreigners to visit or work and live in China have to declare residence registration legally。外国人临时住宿登记是什么?but what ' s overseas personnel temporary residence registration?海外人员临时住宿登记是指在没有中国大陆居民身份证的情况下居住在中国境内的个人居住证明。临时住宿申报书是证明外国人在中国合法居留的证明文件之一,与外国人的护照一起,当地警察可以在中国确认外国人的身份和住处。当外国人申请中国工作签证或想在中国买房买车时,这份文件是必不可少的。overseas personnel temporary residence registration,Is a proof of residence For individuals who don ' t have a mainland Chinese id card and line

以前办理临时住宿登记都是需要海外人员本人去居住地管辖派出所的,需要很长时间。现在深圳出入境已经开始自助处理,海外人员可以直接用手机在微信上处理!In the past,temporary residence registration required overseas personnel to go the local police station of the jurisdiction where they liveyhow to declare for temporary residence registration of overseas personnel on wechat?1.微信官方公众号:注意深圳公安(微信ID: SZGA-110)。

follow the wechat official account 3360 Shenzhen bureau of public security(微信id 3360 szga-110)。

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2. 进入公众号,点击:"民生" > "出入境" > "境外人员临时住宿登记"

Enter the registration system

3. 填写表格信息,按照说明输入信息,然后提交。

Fill out the form, follow the instruction and type your information, then submit.

网上系统审核需要3-5个工作日左右,如急需取得临时住宿登记单,或系统反馈申报未通过,则仍可前往派出所窗口提交书面材料进行申报。The online system approval takes about 3-5 working days. If you need your registration form immediately or the system says “Fail”, you’re advised to visit the nearest police station for registration.


You can enjoy the "three NO" service by applying on your mobile phone!

01 免奔波 No need running around

境外人员足不出户即可申报临住登记:手机申报或只要家门口贴有房屋二维码,动手扫一扫完成程序即可;Overseas personnel can apply for temporary residence registration without leaving the home: mobile phone declaration or as long as the house QR code is pasted at the door of the house, the procedure can be completed by scanning;

02免手续 No formalities

境外人员申报临住登记无需提交任何材料,只要如实填写本人的证件号码、手机号码和电子邮箱即可;It is not necessary to submit any materials for overseas personnel to declare temporary residence registration, as long as they truthfully fill in their ID number, mobile phone number and email address;

03免等待 No waiting

随时登陆微信端自主申报,随时可以办理 ,解决现场办理排队的烦恼。Log in to wechat at any time to declare independently, and handle it at any time, so as to solve the problem of queuing on site.

入境的每一位境外人员都必须依法做好临时住宿登记,办完临时住宿登记了,如果需要办理外国人工作签证的朋友们,欢迎随时咨询哦。最后, 附上有关临时住宿登记常见的几个常见问题解答。

Every overseas personnel entering the China must register for temporary residence in accordance with the law. After the registration of temporary residence, if you need to apply for a foreigner's work visa, you are welcome to consult at any time. Finally, some FAQs about temporary residence registration are attached.

- FAQs -

Q: 临时住宿登记的有效期是多久?What's the Validity Period of the Temporary Residence Registration Form?

A: 从登记之日起至离开中国或更改居住地址、护照之日止。(每次外国人进入中国或更改居住地址/护照,都需要更新临时住宿登记。)From the date of registration to the date of departure from China or change of residence address/passport. (Temporary Residence Registration needs to be updated every time foreigners enter China or change their residence address / passport.)

Q: 如果我在中国买了房子,我还需要登记吗?If I have bought a house in China, do I still need to register my residence?

A: 是的。如果你住在这所房子里,那么你应该带上你的身份证件和房屋所有权证书到当地警察局登记你的住所。Yes. If you live in the house you bought, then you should take your Identity Document and Certificate of House Ownership to register your residence with the local police station.

Q: 如果没有做临时住宿登记会怎样?What if I fail to register my residence?

A: 如果被警方发现,将被处以2000元以下的罚款。如果您拒绝缴纳罚款或登记,您可能会被驱逐出境或有不良记录,这将使您极难再次进入中国。If you are found out by the police,you will be fined 2000RMB or less. And if you refuse to pay the fine or to register, you may be deported or have a bad record which will make it extremely difficult for you to enter China again.

圣天商务为各大企事业单位提供外国人来华工作许可/工作签证办理服务,为外国人的合法居留提供解决方案。Shengtian Business provides foreigners work permit / work visa processing services for enterprises, and provides solutions for foreigners' legal residence.

想要了解更多,请联系我们:To learn more, please contact us directly!

外国人来华邀请函 外国人在中国遗失了护照怎么办? 外国人来华工作许可常见问题解答 没有那三类有效居留许可的外国人是否也能入境中国? 外籍华人如何注销国内户籍 外籍华人在中国申请绿卡需要什么条件和材料?

关于作者: luda

