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禁止踢足球的英语 街上禁止踢足球用英语怎么说 街上禁止踢足球用英语怎么说


Playing football is prohibited.

Football is a kind of sport that requires people to move around and contact each other actively. It is easy to cause physical injuries and even spread diseases. Besides, it is easy to make noise and disturb the public order. Therefore, many places have prohibited people from playing football.

Firstly, it is forbidden to play football in public places such as parks, squares, and streets. If someone does so, he or she will be fined or even detained by the police. Secondly, it is forbidden to play football in some private places such as residential areas and school campuses. If people violate the ban, they will be warned or even punished by the management department.

In a word, in order to ensure public safety, maintain public order and protect people’s health, it is necessary to prohibit people from playing football. We should abide by the rules and regulations and cooperate with the police to maintain social stability.


责任编辑: 鲁达

