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1. It is important to have your eyes examined regularly to check for any sign of eyedisease that may not have any_____.

A. symptom

B. similarity

C. sample

D. shadow

2. The officer insisted that Michael did not follow the correct_____in applying for a visa.

A. pattern

B. procedure

c. program

D. perspective

3. —Why do you choose to work in an international travel agency?

—Well, you know, English is my_____. So it is my best choice.

A. strength

B. talent

c. ability

D. skill

4. My first______of him was that he was a kind and thoughtful young man.

A. expression

B. attention

c. satisfaction

D. impression

5. You are working too hard. You'd better keep a________between work and relaxation.

A. promise

B. lead

c. balance

D. diary

6. He will come to understand your efforts sooner or later. It's just a matter of_____.

A. luck

B. value

c. time

D. fact1. A.题意:为了发现那些可能没有任何征兆的眼疾,定期检查眼睛是很重要的。

symptom"症状”,符合题意。similarity“ 相似之处”; sample“样本”; shadow“影子”


“步骤,手续”,符合题意。pattern 模式,方式”; program“(计算机)程序”;perspective"角度,观点,想法”


势,所以这是我的最佳选择。”根据前面的international及后面的bestchoice可知,strength“优势,长处”,符合题意。talent“天资,天赋”; ability“能力”;skill“技巧”。


象”,符合题意。expression“ 表达;表情”;attention“注意,专心”;satisfaction“满足,满意”

5. C。题意:你工作太卖力了。你最好保持工作和休息之间的均衡。keep a

balance between... and...' .........之间保持平衡”,是固定用法。promise"诺言”; lead“领先地位”;diary"日记”。

6. C。题意:他迟早会明白你的努力的。只是时间问题。time“时间”,a matter

of time“时间问题”,与前面的sooner or later照应,符合题意。luck“运气”;value价值”; fact“事实”。

责任编辑: 鲁达

