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专注于艺术影像的亚洲顶级艺术博览会——上海艺术影像展(Photo Shanghai)于今年9月11-13日再次强势回归上海展览中心。






荒木经惟、Boomoon, Guy Bourdin、 Henri Cartier-Bresson、谢春德、Elliott Erwitt、鸟头、张乾琦、杨福东、Candida Höfer、Horst P. Horst、Axel Hüette、André Kertész、Steven Klein、Gustave Le Gray、阿琦路迷、森山大道、Vik Muniz、Helmut Newton、Erwin Olaf、奥诺黛拉.有机、蒋鹏奕、Irving Penn、Herb Ritts、杉本博司、李日韦及张晓等。


Aki Lumi, Garden NO.14, 2013. Courtesy of Vanguard Gallery, Shanghai

August Sander, Three Farmers, 1928. Courtesy of Time Space Gallery, Beijing

Boomoon, Naksan #920, 2014. Courtesy of Flowers Gallery, London, New York

Candida H__fer, Benrather Schloss Düsseldorf IV, 2011. Courtesy of Matthew Liu Fine Arts, Shanghai

Chen Qiulin, The Empty City No.4, 2012. Courtesy of A Thousand Plateaus Art Space, Chengdu

Chien-Chi Chang, Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport, 2008. Courtesy of °CLAIR GALLERY, Saint-Paul-de-Vence and Munich

Christy Lee Rogers, Lightness of Being, 2012. Courtesy of ART LABOR Gallery, Shanghai

Cooper & Gorfer, Niza and the Animals, 2015. Courtesy of CHRISTIAN LARSEN, Stockholm

David Drebin, Dreams of Hong Kong, 2009. Courtesy of CAMERA WORK, Berlin

David LaChapelle, Death by Hamburger, 2001. Courtesy of Staley-Wise Gallery, New York

Elliott Erwitt, New York, 1999. Courtesy of Magnum Photos

Erwin Olaf, Grief, Caroline Portrait, 2007. Courtesy of Magda Danysz Gallery, Shanghai, Paris

Feng Li, Parrot, 2010. Courtesy of A Thousand Plateaus Art Space, Chengdu

Feng Mengbo, Archaeopteryx, 2012. Courtesy of Shanghai Gallery of Art, Shanghai

__ Giovanni Gastel, Untitled (Parrot), 2008. Courtesy of Galerie Photo12, Paris

Harry Gruyaert, Coffee on the Beach, Ostende, Belgium, 1988. Courtesy of Magnum Photos

Hiroshi Yamazaki, heliography 01, 1978. Courtesy of EMON Photo Gallery, Tokyo

Julie Blackmon, Wicker Swing, 2008. Courtesy of CIPA GALLERY, Beijing

Li Lang, Father 1927.12.03 - 2010.08.27, My Father's Handprint (Left), 2014. Courtesy of A Thousand Plateaus Art Space, Chengdu

Luo Yongjin, Otherness - Curtain, Henan, 2014. Courtesy of OFOTO Gallery, Shanghai

Nick Veasey, Lanvin Dress, 2011. Courtesy of Bluerider ART, Taipei

Nobuyoshi Araki, Tokyo Story, 1989-2015. Courtesy of Taka Ishii Gallery, Tokyo, Paris, New York

Ormond Gigli, Girls in the Windows, New York, 1960. Courtesy of Staley-Wise Gallery, New York

René Burri, Horse Pool and House by Luis Barragan, San Cristobal, Mexico, 1976. ATLAS Gallery, London

Terry O'Neill, Brigitte Bardot, Spain, 1971. Courtesy of BEETLES HUXLEY, London

Vik Muniz, Crane, 2012. Courtesy of Matthew Liu Fine Arts, Shanghai

Willy Rizzo, SALVADOR DALI - Loupes, Paris, 1949. Courtesy of Galerie Dumonteil, Shanghai, Paris, New York

YANG Fudong, The Light That I Feel 1, 2014. Courtesy of ShanghART Gallery, Shanghai, Beijing and Singapore

关于作者: luda

