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1.(10分)I work in a middle is pleasant for me to plant in my free the beginning of the school year,I had an idea—what if my students used a classroom (1)    to grow vegetables for our school lunches?The students could (2)    learn about planting science.

I asked my headmaster (3)    I could start a new plant lab garden.I was only in my second year of (4)   ,but she agreed.

As soon as my students went into the classroom,they got (5)   .They all wanted to learn how to grow vegetables in this way of indoor gardening called hydroponics(水培).This is great for areas that don't have (6)    helps people to grow healthy vegetables just about anywhere.

To grow 45 beds of green vegetables,we need many things (7)    growing cups,LED growing lights,fans(水泵) and so on.Although the students failed for the first time,none of them (8)   .They kept on trying until they finally was interesting for them to watch the vegetables grow every day.And they all smiled (9)    when seeing students in other classes eat the vegetables they grew.My students' new goal is that our school won't need to (10)    green vegetables any more.





























(8)A.gave back

B.gave out

C.gave away

D.gave up










2.(8分)It was a cold and snowy morning after the winter vaca,it was my first day at my new was walking slowly and worrying about lots of was 7:00 in the morning and there weren't many people on the road.A girl on a bike passed me quickly.She was riding on ice when suddenly she fell off her bike a few steps in front of me.She was trying hard to get up but fell once more.Without thinking,I went over and helped her stand up.She said," with a smile and then rode away.The words "Thank you" warmed me and this small event made me feel less nervous about my new school.

Finally,I got to teacher led me to the classroom and asked me to sit down beside a girl.I was so nervous.I knew some of the students were looking at me but I didn't dare to look at the first class was Engli used a different textbook from my old school and I didn't have a co I was wondering what to do,a book appeared in front of me. "Let's share,I'm Carrie." I looked up.It was the girl I helped that morning.What a surprise!

From then on,we became good was my first and best friend at my new her also helped me find a friend.

(1)The first day at the writer's new school was cold and    .





(2)Who fell off the bike?    

A.A girl.

B.A boy.

C.An old man.

D.An old woman.

(3)The writer felt less nervous on the way to school because of    .

A.a letter

B.an e﹣mail

C.a small gift

D.a small event

(4)Carrie shared     with the writer.

A.a pen

B.a dictionary

C.a book

D.a ruler

3.(8分)My dad has always spent his free time climbing moun spends several years in planning his route,listening to the weather report and finding the best maps,and he really likes a good c example,so that he can achieve something.

As soon as I could walk,he started taking me with him first,he used to carry me on his on(陡坡).I can still remember how happy I was when we set off.

The first time I did a proper (真正的) climb with him,I was about eight years old.As we got to the top,we weren't the only ones who managed to do so that day.When we were coming down,we met another family with two young girls

I'm now 15 and I belong to a climbing club.Dad always hoped to pass on his love of climbing to me. It seems that he already spend most of my weekends in the moun dad comes too,but now I'm the one out in front,and he can't always catch up with me!

(1)The writer's father always chooses the most difficult path up the mountain    .

A.to keep healthy

B.to go sightseeing

C.to achieve something

D.to take photos

(2)How did the writer feel when they set off?    





(3)The writer did a proper climb with her father for the first time when he was about    .

A.eight years old

B.sixteen years old

C.two years old

D.fifteen years old

(4)The underlined sentence "It seems that he has." means the writer's father    .

A.has given the maps to her

B.has passed his love of climbing to her

C.doesn't like climbing mountains any more

D.doesn't want to climb mountains with her any more

4.(8分)It is said that tea can improve creative power of the literary (文学的) artists in ancient C to Lu Yu's Tea Classics,tea—drinking in China can be traced back (追溯)

Tea—drinking in China has a history of four thousand years.As the legend (传说) has it,Shen Nong tasted hundreds of wild plants to see which were poisonous,in order to prevent people from eating the poisonous is said that he was once poisoned but was saved by eating some leaves of an evergreen plant with white ,people called the leaves that saved his life "cha".

In modern times,people still keep tea—drinking as one of their daily ac to the study,tea can also have effects on some modern illne those who have to work with computers for a long time,drinking tea can help them to recreate a new balance in their bodies.And to those aged people,drinking tea is also a good way to keep a calm mood for a longer life.

(1)Tea—drinking in China can be traced back to    .

A.the Zhou Dynasty

B.the Xia Dynasty

C.the Qing Dynasty

D.the Tang Dynasty

(2)The underlined word "poisonous" in the passage means"     "in Chinese.





(3)What does Paragraph 3 mainly tell us?    

A.Shen Nong was once poisoned.

B.Shen Nong was a hero.

C.The birth of tea.

D.Tea became popular.

(4)What is the main idea of this passage?    

A.The legend of Shen Nong.

B.The history of tea—drinking in China.

C.Drinking tea can help people live longer.

D.Tea can have effects on some modern illnesses.

5.(8分)Two little girls,14—year—old Cindy and 12—year—old Lucy,wrote to a newspaper office(塑料) people read the letter and supported them.

"We have been learning all about the environment at school and the problem of made us very sad to see how plastic harms wildlife and pollutes the ocean,and we want to change this.

"That's why we want the fast food restaurants to think of the environment and stop giving away plastic toys with their kids meals." the two girls wrote in their letter.

"We like to go to eat in fast food restaurants,but children only play with the plastic toys they give us for a few minutes before they get thrown away.In the end, they will harm animals and pollute the want anything they give us to be sustainable (可持续发展的),so we can protect the earth for us and for future humans," they continued.

The letter made a large number of readers pay attention to number of people who supported them almost doubled after reporters followed the two little girls.

Since the little girls' story started being picked up by news reporters,the fast food restaurants had to give a reply to the newspaper office,telling about their plans for making their free toys more sustainable.

(1)The two little girls wrote to the newspaper office in order to    .

A.get some fast food

B.get some free presents

C.stop children having junk food

D.stop fast food restaurants giving away plastic toys

(2)Where do the two girls learn about the environment?    

A.At home.

B.At school.

C.In a restaurant.

D.In a library.

(3)The underlined word "they" in Paragraph 3 refers to(指)     in the passage.

A.fast food restaurants

B.fast food

C.plastic toys

D.waste water

(4)What may fast food restaurants most probably do to deal with free plastic toys?    

A.They may stop giving away free plastic toys.

B.They may make free toys with paper and cloth.

C.They may sell their plastic toys to other countries.

D.They may make free plastic toys more sustainable.

6.(8分)There are some famous buildings that everyone can recognize (识别).When you see a picture of a sports stadium that reminds you of a bird 's nest(鸟巢),you probably know it is the Olympic stadium in Beijing.When you see a picture of a famous concert hall that reminds you of a sailing ship

Other buildings do not need any imagina are made to look exactly like other ,these buildings are offices,restaurants(外形) of the building is a clue (线索) to the objects that people can see inside.

In Guizhou,China,people can visit the Meitan Tea Museum,the nine﹣storey teapot shaped museum looks like some kind of huge work of art.But as one gets closer,the windows make it clear that this is a building.

People who are interested in guitars might want to visit the Guitar Museum in the USA.The three﹣storey building is shaped like a guitar lying on its ,visitors can see all kinds of guitars as well as learn about famous guitar players.

One of the newest funny shaped museums is a pottery (陶器) museum in Korea.This museum,built in 2011,visitors can try to make their own pots there.

(1)What are the stadium and the concert hall examples of?    

A.Huge building.

B.Famous building in Beijing.

C.Places that look like other things.

D.Buildings that look exactly like things in them.

(2)If you are in the newest funny shaped museum in Korea,you can     there.

A.make your own pots

B.see all kinds of guitars

C.drink tea

D.do sports

(3)Where do you think the passage is from?    

A.A music magazine.

B.A sports magazine.

C.An art magazine.

D.A medical magazine.

(4)What is the best title of this passage?    

A.Famous museums.

B.Interesting buildings.

C.Famous things from long ago.

D.Things used to make buildings.

非选择题(共55分)四、听力(共1小题;每小题5分, 满分5分)



Purpose (目的)

(1)Have a    .


(2)On     afternoon.


(3)The     floor of the science building.


(4)Listen to music,play games,sing songs and    .

Telephone number

(5)   .



If you go to another country,what kinds of things would you buy?Would you buy a camera in Japan,some (1)    (beauty) clothes in France,or a watch in Switzerland?No matter (2)    you may buy,you might think those products were made in those (3)    (country).However,you could be wrong.Kang Jian is a l7—year—old student from S year he (4)    (go) to visit his aunt and uncle in San Franci found it interesting that so many products in the local shops were made in China. "I wanted to buy a toy car for my cousin,but even though most of the toys are American brands

Toys are not the only things made in China. "Once I wanted to buy a pair of basketball (5)    (shore)." he explains. "But I had to visit five or six stores before (6)    (find)a pair made in America!" He realized that Americans can (7)    (hard) avoid buying products made in China. "In fact," he continues,handbags,pet food(8)    American flags are made in China!" Kang Jian thinks it's great that China is so good at making (9)    (this) everyday ,he hopes that (10)    the future China will also get better at making high—technology products that people can buy in all parts of the world.



Jack is 11 years old and he lives in a small village.There are only two rooms in his house—one for his parents and the other for Jack and his little brother,Jo were both born in(1)    (一月),but Jack is two years older than Jo morning.Jack gets up (2)    (早的) and looks after John while their mother makes break family has breakfast usually have (3)    (面包) with milk and add a little sugar to it.Jack walks to school with his takes them about ten minu they get to school,they have to (4)    (打扫) the cla noon,Jack goes home for lunch.For lunch the family often has vegetables which they have grown lunch is finished,and then goes home(5)    (再次) for dinner in the evening.

七、综合填空(共1小题;每小题10分, 满分10分)


take,he,reason,because,with,ask for,a lot of

Oliver Twist (《雾都孤儿》) is one of the most famous stories by Charles Dickens.Set in the nineteenth century,it is about a boy called Oliver who finds (1)    alone in the world.He lives in a special house for (2)    people and always has an empty day,he (3)    more food and gets into a lot of trouble!

Later,Oliver runs away to London.There,he meets some boys who steal (4)    and other teach Oliver to steal too,though Oliver does not want to (5)    he is a good c many difficulties,Oliver is (6)    home by a kind old man.In the end,Oliver discovers that the kind old man is a relative,and he goes to live (7)    him in the city.

There are many (8)    why Oliver Twist is such a popular is (9)    action in the book,and it is also very writer was also very good at writing about the everyday lives of poor children in London in the nineteenth century — his book made people (10)    more about the problems of poor children.



A king was old and he knew it was time to choose a new king.He told all the young people in the country, "I'll give each of you a seed(种子).Plant it and show me your flower in one year

A boy named Alex got a seed, planted it carefully,but the seed didn't grow at all.A year later

The king arrived at the palace and looked around.When he found there was nothing in Alex's box,the king smiled and said to the others, "One year ago,except Alex,have brought me was the only one with courage to bring such a box.So he will be the new king!"

(1)The king told all the young people to plant a seed to choose a    .

(2)Alex planted the seed carefully,but it     at all.

(3)Other boys except Alex brought     to the palace.

(4)The king     when he found there was nothing in Alex's box.

(5)From the passage we can infer (推断) that Alex was a(an)     child.

九、书面表达(共1题, 满分40分)












参考词汇:paper cutting 剪纸

Last Saturday,I went to visit a 70﹣year﹣old paper cutting artist with some of my classmates.


1.解答:(1)C.名词辨析。A.书桌;C.花园。根据下文第二段中的a new plant lab garden可知。最后一段中的our classroom garden也是提示。











(1)B.根据It was a and morning the vaca was first at new 。事实上。可知第一天是一个寒冷多雪的早晨。

(2)A.根据A girl a bike me was on when she off bike a steps front me.一个骑自行车的女孩很快从我身边经过,突然在我前面几步处从自行车上摔了下来。故选A。

(3)D.根据The words you" me this event me less about new ,这个小事件让我对新学校不那么紧张了。故选D。

(4)C.根据As I was what do,a appeared front me. share," girl to said." hi Carrie." I up.It the I helped morning.正当我在想该怎么办时。"我们一起分享吧。"嗨。"我抬起头。可知凯莉和作者分享了一本书。

3.解答:(1)C.细节理解题。根据For example,so that he can achieve something.可知,这样他有所成就感,这样他有所成就感

(2)D.细节理解题。根据I can still remember how happy I was when we set off.可知。所以当他们出发时。故选D.

(3)A.细节理解题。根据 The first time I did a proper ,I was about eight years old.可知我第一次和他一起攀登时。所以这位作者第一次和她父亲一起爬山。故选A.

(4)B.句意猜测题。根据 I'm now 15 and I belong to a climbing club.Dad always hoped to pass on his love of climbing to me.It seems that he already spend most of my weekends in the mountains.可知,属于一家攀岩俱乐部。好像是的。所以根据前后句的句意可推断加下划线的句子 "It seems that he has." 意思是作者的父亲把爬山的爱好传给了她

4.解答:(1)A.细节理解题。根据第一段tea—drinking China be back to Zhou 中国的茶饮可以追溯到周朝。

(2)D.词义猜测题。根据第二段but saved eating leaves an plant white ,据此判断他吃了有毒的草,故选D。

(3)D.段落大意题。根据第三段In times still tea—drinking one their activities.在现代,可知本段主要讲了茶受到人们的欢迎。

(4)B.主旨大意题。根据第一段According Lu Tea ,tea—drinking China be back to Zhou ,中国的茶饮可以追溯到周朝,故选B。

5.解答:(1)D.细节理解题。根据第一段Two girls Cindy 12—year—old ,wrote a newspaper ,asking fast restaurants stop away plastic(塑料) ,14岁的森迪和12岁的露西给报社写信,可知她们给报社写信是为了阻止快餐店发放免费的塑料玩具。

(2)B.细节理解题。根据第二段We been all the at ,可知她们在学校了解了有关环境的问题。

(3)C.词义猜测题。根据第四段We to to in food ,but only with plastic they us a few before get away.我们喜欢在快餐店吃东西,据此判断对环境有害的是这些塑料玩具,故选C。

(4)D.细节理解题。根据最后一段Since little story being up news ,the food had give a to newspaper ,telling their for their toys sustainable.由于小女孩的故事开始被新闻记者关注,谈了他们将使得免费玩具更加可持续的计划,故选D。

6.解答:(1)C.细节理解题。根据第一段"When see a of a stadium reminds of a 's ,you know is Olympic in you a picture a famous hall reminds of a ship probably it the Opera in like are recognized were to like things people their ,你可能知道这就是北京的奥林匹克体育场,你可能知道这就是澳大利亚的悉尼歌剧院。如果人们发挥想象力。可知。故选C。

(2)A.细节理解题。根据最后一段"One the funny shaped is a (陶器) in museum in ,is just a real with examples pots tools for pots the ,visitors try make own there"最新的一个形状有趣的博物馆是韩国的一个陶器博物馆,形状就像一个真正的罐子,游客还可以尝试自己制作陶罐,如果你在韩国最新的造型有趣的博物馆里。故选A。

(3)C.信息来源题。根据"There some buildings everyone recognize ,每个人都能认出来,本文主要介绍了世界各地的特色建筑物,应该来源于艺术杂志。

(4)B.最佳标题题。根据"There some buildings everyone recognize ,每个人都能认出来,本文主要介绍了世界各地的特色建筑物,故选B。


8.解答:(1)beautiful 考查形容词 in ,可知是指法国漂亮的衣服,故填beautiful

(2)what 考查代词 matter...you buy。no matter what不论什么


(4)went.考查动词,根据句意,时间状语last year,故填went.

(5)shoes 考查名词 pair basketball...。此处是复数形式

(6)finding 考查动词,可知介词后接动名词

(7)hardly 考查副词 realized Americans avoid products in ,可知是指:他意识到美国人很难避免购买中国制造的产品

(8)Even 考查副词 flags made China!" ,handbags food phones!故填Even

(9)these 考查代词。根据everyday ,可知是复数形式,故填these

(10)in 考查介词。根据...the China also better ,可知是指在将来,in the future在将来,故填in






10.解答:(1)himself.考查代词。句意:故事发生在19世纪,他发现自己孤单地生活在这个世界上,设空处表"发现自己孤单地……",设空处定语从句的主语是a boy。故填himself。


(3)asks for.考查动词短语。句意:有一天,并陷入了很多麻烦,设空处应用动词或动词短语,这里表"要更多的食物",表"要,且文章时态为一般现在时态。






(9)a lot of.考查固定词组。句意:书中有很多动作。根据语境及句式,修饰名词action,是不可数名词、很多动作"。

(10)care.考查动词。句意:这位作家也非常擅长描写19世纪伦敦贫困儿童的日常生活——他的书让人们更关心贫困儿童的问题,题干设空处构成"make sb do sth"短语;根据语境。故填care。

11.解答:(1)new king.细节理解题。根据第一段" A king was old and he knew it was time to choose a new king...I'll give each of you a seed...and I'll choose a new king from you."知,他知道是时候选择一位新国王了,想从他们中选择一位新国王。

(2)didn't grow.细节理解题。根据第二段"He planted it carefully,他小心翼翼地种下了种子。题干语境是一般过去时态。

(3)beautiful flowers.细节理解题。根据第二段"Others all brought beautiful flowers there and Alex felt sad."知,Alex感到很难过。

(4)smiled.细节理解题。根据最后一段"When he found there was nothing in Alex's box,当国王发现Alex的盒子里什么也没有时。故填smiled。

(5)honest.推理判断题。通读全文及国王的话"One year ago,except Alex,国王给的每个人是一粒不能生长的种子,但是只有Alex有勇气带来空盒子。故填honest。

12.解答:Last Saturday,I to a 70﹣year﹣old cutting with of cla left school at 9:00 in the morning.We went there by bike.Her home is a little far from took us about an hour to get welcomed us warmly.She taught us how to cut paper. 【高分句型一】She showed us some beautiful are about plants,and some are about Chinese c told us some paper cutting skills,she also cooked us a delicious lunch.We also helped her clean her garden.We were very came back at 2:00 in the afternoon.(活动安排)

Although we were tired,we were we learned a new skill.【高分句型二】(感受)

关于作者: luda

