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人烟寒橘柚,秋色老梧桐。转眼间,MBA第一学期教学已经过半。十一月份的第四个星期四授课,适逢西方的感恩节,老师从“黑色星期五(Black Friday)”说起,启发我们思考为什么是“黑色(Black)”?为什么是“星期五(Friday)”?原来感恩节在西方已经演绎为一个团聚团圆的法定节日,当天是不允许搞商业促销活动的,但商人是逐利的,既然当天不允许搞商业促销活动,第二天星期五搞促销活动,总是可以的吧?商家通过各种促销活动,不仅清理了存货,回笼了资金,而且还提高了销售额,赚得盆满钵满(be in the black),会计记账用黑色(black)表示,因此称为黑色星期五(Black Friday)。


好的教学,不仅是因材施教,而且还要因时施教。围绕感恩节,老师适时组织应景教学,提炼了经典句型“I would like to give thanks to sb. for doing sth.”,要求同学们模仿造句,举一反三,学以致用。通过富有感染力的授课方式,呼吁大家心怀感恩,明白感恩不仅仅是口头上说说而已(Thanks-giving is more than a two-word expression.),更是积极向上的思考和谦卑的态度,是自发的充满爱意的行动。常怀感恩之心,将感恩落实到生活之中。正如老师所说“In the first place, we should be respectful to our parents and our teachers(我们应对父母要孝顺,对老师要尊敬)”,时刻将孝敬父母、尊敬老师、敬爱革命先辈放在心中,不断追求着这种代表责任、自立、自尊和追求一种阳光人生的精神境界。

师者,所以传道,授业,解惑也。老师以“TEACHER”为模型,将7个字母赋予“Talented, Extraordinary, Amiable, Considerate, Happy, Efficient and Effective, Respectable”这7个老师具有的特质。如何做到受尊敬呢?老师一定要在专业领域展示出卓越的才华;帮助学生从平凡走向不凡(Make the ordinary extraordinary);具备一定的亲和力,站在学生的角度思考问题,拉近与学生的距离,学生愿意亲其师,才能更好地信其道;教学,不仅要注重效率,而且还要讲求效果。能够见证一批又一批优秀学子的成长,实现教学相长,如此,做老师一定是幸福的。

在介绍“四重恩”模型和“Teacher’s Day”模型的基础上,老师结合“三八节”进一步介绍了“Woman’s Day”模型。

生活情境化、情境主旨化、主旨双语化、双语总结化、总结落地化,这是老师一直坚持的教学理念。结合所介绍的模型,老师要求我们放飞思考,为“Journalist's Day, Police's Day, Nurse's Day, Children's Day, Youth Day, Valentine's Day, Consumer's Day, Father's Day & Mother's day”这8个与人物有关的节日构建一个模型,每个节日中的字母都要考虑特定人物的特质。


如果说管理就是正确地做事,那么领导就是做正确的事情 (Management is doing things right ;leadership is doing the right things.) 。老师结合管理的有效性,辨析了effectiveness和efficiency这两个看似相似但含义却不同的单词,希望我们读万卷书,行万里路;以铜为镜,以人为镜,以史为镜,总结反省,多渠道丰富自己的知识结构,并从目标管理、时间管理、习惯管理、精力管理等方面着手,舒缓压力,应对冲突,把知识转换为智慧,做到“沉下来能思、坐下来能写、站起来能说、学习后能用、走出去能干”。


附录:班级根据“I would like to give thanks to sb for doing sth.”仿句

陈文博:I'd like to give thanks to my friend for helping me during my hard time. 我要感谢朋友在我困难时帮助了我。

范丽姝:We would like to give thanks to my parents for giving us a good life. 我们要感谢父母给了我们美好的生活。

武军军:I'd like to give my thanks to earthmother for guiding me. 我要感谢地球母亲引导我。

陈翠:I'd like to give thanks to my friend for your kind help. 我要感谢我的朋友对我的帮助。

周雨贝:I would like to give thanks to my parents for giving me love. 我要感谢我的父母给我的爱。

方立立:I would like to give thanks to my brother for helping me. 我要感谢我的兄弟帮助我。

杨乐:I would like to give thanks to my parents for teaching me. 我要感谢我的父母教我。

赵亚南:I'd like to give thanks to my roommates for taking care of me. 我要感谢我的室友们对我的照顾。

李梦冉:I'd like to give thanks to my boyfriend for helping me. 我要感谢我男友的帮助。

张子豪:I would like to give thanks to my brother for give me a gift. 我要感谢我的兄弟给我的礼物。

徐 耀:I'd like to give thanks to my tutor for guiding my future study. 我要感谢我的导师指导我未来的生活。

高世民:I'd like to give thanks to my teachers for helping me during my studying time. 我要感谢我的老师在我学习期间对我的帮助。

刘鑫悦:I would like to give thanks to roommates for their kindness. 我要感谢舍友的善良。

宋子阳:I would like to give thanks to my family for raising me up. 我要感谢我家庭的养育之恩。

穆 静:I'd like to give thanks to my mother for her love. 我要感谢妈妈对我的爱。

李雯雯:I'd like to give thanks to teachers for helping me grow up. 我要感谢老师们帮助我成长。

杨 柳:I'd like to give thanks to my classmate for driving me to the classroom. 我要感谢我的同学开车送我到教室。

汪蕴雯:I'd like to give thanks to my teacher for giving me a class. 我要感谢我的老师给我上课。

沈秋彤:I'd like to give thanks to my best friend for giving me courage to pursue my dreams. 我要感谢我最好的朋友给了我追逐梦想的勇气。

贺显婷:I'd like to give thanks to my chum for giving me love. 我要感谢我的好朋友给予的爱。

汪瑾:I would like to give thanks to my family for supporting my study. 我要感谢我的家人支持我的学习。

卞显俊:I would like to give thanks to my grandmother for raising me up. 我要感谢我的祖母把我养大。

刘 鑫:I'd like to give my thanks to my mobile for giving me joy all the time. 我要感谢我的手机,感谢它一直陪伴着我。

杜雪:We would like to give thanks to teachers for imparting knowledge. 我们要感谢老师传授知识。

毛龙雨:I'd like to give thanks to my girlfriend for washing dishes. 我要感谢我的女朋友洗盘子。

李丛笑:I would like to give thanks to my family for raising me up. 我要感谢我的家人把我养大。

王媛媛:I'd like to give thanks to my aunt for helping me during my hard time. 我要感谢我的阿姨在我困难的时候帮助了我。

黄明明:We would like to give thanks to my parents for giving a good growth environment. 我们要感谢我的父母给了我一个良好的成长环境。

谢学友:I'd like to give thanks to my dad for helping me to grow up. 我要感谢我的爸爸帮助我成长。

杨润东:I would like to give thanks to my colleagues for helping me with my job. 我要感谢同事们对我工作的帮助。

刘颖:I'd like to give thanks to my family for helping me to grow up. 我要感谢我的家人帮助我成长。

徐雅妮:I'd like to give thanks to my sister for believing in me. 我要感谢我妹妹对我的信任。

程小彪:I'd like to give thanks to my teacher for helping me to increase knowledge.我要感谢我的老师帮助我增长知识。

赵 锐:I'd like to give thanks to my grandparents for their endless love. 我要感谢我的祖父母,感谢他们无尽的爱。

龚 恒:I would like to give thanks to my boss for guiding me. 我要感谢老板给我的指导。

朱小兵:I would like to give thanks to my partners for giving me confidence. 我要感谢我的伙伴们给了我信心。

李培培:I'd like to give thanks for meeting every classmate in HFUT. 我要感谢在新的一年里遇见了合肥工业大学的每一位同学。

唐淑媛:I'd like to give thanks to my husband for supporting me every day. 我要感谢我的丈夫每天赚钱支持我。

马 燕:I'd like to give thanks to my uncle for helping me to past examination. 我要感谢我叔叔帮助我通过考试。

刘 明:I would like to give thanks to volunteers for giving me help. 我要感谢志愿者给我的帮助。

王 偲:I would like to give thanks to my relatives for giving me confidence. 我要感谢我的亲戚给了我信心。

郭 旭:I'd like to give thanks to my mother for giving me selfless love. 我要感谢我的母亲给我无私的爱。

关于作者: luda

