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花再漂亮也比你的笑好。黛安娜灿烂得吸引不了我的双眼。你,在我心中最美,祝女神日快乐!no matter how beautiful the flowers are,they can 't compare with your smilediamonds are bright and can ' t fascinate my eyes;you are the most beautiful in my heart . I wish you a happy goddess day!画太阳照亮生活的迷雾。画心形圈,包裹爱情。(爱情)亲爱的你妇女节快乐,幸福一辈子!draw a sun to illuminate the haze of life;draw a heart-shaped circle to encircle love;I wish you a happy women ' s day and a happy life!一千朵玫瑰送给你,希望你爱好自己。一千颗幸运星给了你,幸运围绕着你。


One thousand roses for you, want you to love yourself well; One thousand lucky stars for you, let good luck surround you. Happy Women's Day!


Falling fish and wild goose is your surface, closing the moon and shaming flowers is your connotation, and natural beauty is your destiny. Dear, I wish you more and more beautiful!


Go to the hall, go to the kitchen, show your wisdom, honor your parents, be warm at home because of you, and be warm in life because of you. May you stay young forever and be happy all your life!


Housework is grasped with one hand, and it is picturesque inside and outside; Work hard, women don't let men, may you always be young and live happily!


On the occasion of Women's Day, I wish divines great happiness! Smile at the whole city, laugh at the country again, pour my heart in San Xiao, and make you happy if you don't laugh!


Women's Day to express one's heart, I would like to be your big wolf, beating and scolding resolutely to fight hard, every day to send joy, let you live a beautiful life!


May all goddesses have only one taste in the days to come, called "Happy Flowers"


You are not necessarily anyone's princess, to be your own queen, neither humble nor supercilious, and live up to expectations

关于作者: luda

