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The summer I turned 12, I wished to grow up more quickly.

Summer camp was coming. and I was so worried about my ___1___ that I’d gotten into a big argument with my mom.

“But I’ll ___2___ it!” I cried. I was certain that everyone would see me as nothing more than “the short girl”.

“You won’t know anything ___3___ you get there, ” calmed my mom. And I had to ___4___.

On Monday, my teacher Maggie told us about the climbing course, and my heart sank when I saw the wall I was the ___5___ one to try to climb that huge wall. It might have been ten floors high, and knew that I had no ___6___ to succeed. But I had to, after the other campers finished.

I asked for a “short person’s pass,” smiling ___7___ and walking around the wall.

“You know. Amy, what the mind can believe, the heart can achieve. ” ___8___ Maggie. “I’d really like you to do your best to ___9___ the wall.”

I pretended(假装) to hurt my knee ___10___ I could avoid it.

“How’s the knee? Does it hurt a lot?” Maggie asked. She was so kind, which made me feel ___11___ because I didn’t like to lie.

Maggie was really patient, showing me ___12___ she climbed the wall. And some campers were there cheering for me.

I didn’t want to___13___ anymore, and I didn’t want to give up again. I could see how much everyone believed in me, and I wanted to show them how much I valued their ___14___, so I kept trying.

And then something ___15___ happened—I made it! “What the mind can believe, the heart can achieve,” Maggie reminded me. And this time I knew it was true.

1. A. hair B. build C. height D. weight

2. A. accept B. beat C. hate D. manage

3. A. if B. after C. when D. until

4. A. agree B. explain C. refuse D. complain

5. A. first B. last C. only D. right

6. A. risk B. chance C. time D. pressure

7. A. happily B. proudly C. warmly D. weakly

8. A. encouraged B. announced C. introduced D. repealed

9. A. build up B. pull down C. get over D. knock at

10. A. so B. or C. unless D. but

11. A. angry B. bored C. lonely D. bad

12. A. how B. when C. where D. why

13. A. try B. lie C. practice D. compete

14. A. dream B. decision C. support D. success

15. A. funny B. creative C. popular D. amazing

【答案】1. C 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. B 7. D 8. A 9. C 10. A 11. D 12. A 13. B 14. C 15. D





hair头发;build体格;height身高;weight体重。根据“the short girl”可知,作者担心自己的身高问题,故选C。






if如果;after在……之后;when当……时;until直到。根据“You won’t know anything…you get there,”可知,此处用not…until表示“直到……才”,故选D。






first第一;last最后;only只有;right正确地。根据“But I had to, after the other campers finished”可知,作者是最后一个要爬过这个墙的,故选B。









encouraged鼓励;announced宣布;introduced介绍;repealed撤消。根据“I’d really like you to do your best to…”可知,Maggie鼓励作者勇敢一些,故选A。



build up增进;pull down摧毁;get over克服;knock at敲。根据“I’d really like you to do your best to … the wall”可知,Maggie鼓励作者要勇敢地翻过那个墙,故选C。



so所以;or或者;unless除非;but但是。“I pretended(假装) to hurt my knee”与“I could avoid it”是因果关系,用连词so表示“所以”,故选A。






how怎样;when何时;where哪里;why为什么。根据“showing me…she climbed the wall”可知,是向作者展示她是如何爬过这个墙,故选A。



try尝试;lie撒谎;practice练习;compete比赛。根据“I didn’t like to lie”可知,作者不想撒谎,故选B。



dream梦想;decision决定;support支持;success成功。根据“And some campers were there cheering for me”可知,其他的同伴都为作者加油,作者觉得自己应该对得起他们的支持,故选C。




三、阅读理解(本题有 15 小题, 每小题 2 分, 共计 30 分)

阅读下面材料, 从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


Bruce Kelley, a reporter interviewed people and asked, “What are some of the highlights (最精彩的部分) of your life so far?” Here are some of her answers.

Janie, 35, Canada: high school teacher

“Oh. I’ve been pretty lucky up until now. For one thing. I’ve traveled a lot. I lived in Italy a few years ago. Then after Italy, I went to Central America and worked with a team of volunteers. We were rebuilding homes after a major earthquake for two months. It was hard work but so worth doing. Life has been interesting so far.”

Marcos, 25, Brazil: college student

“Um, I’ve done some interesting things in the last few years. I started a band the year before last, though it didn’t last we broke up after six months. But it was fun. And I’ve been coaching a soccer team in a local primary school for the last two years. We’ve won most of our matches.”

Jing Wei, 25 and Sheng Yang, 27, China: designer and graduate student

“Well, Sheng Yang hasn’t really done anything except study over the last few years, we met when he was getting his master’s in college. Then Sheng started his PhD. Since then, he’s just been giving all his attention to school” “Jing Wei began working at a fashion company last year. That was a big thing for her. She’s been enjoying it so far.”

16. It seems to be a real highlight for ________ in volunteering according to the text.

A. Janie B. Jing Wei C. Marcos D. Sheng Yang

17. From the text above, we can know that ________.

A. Janie joined in rebuilding homes in Italy after an earthquake

B. Marcos has been learning to play soccer for two years

C. Sheng Yang has been working for a few years

D. Jing Wei got a job at a fashion company last year

18. The text is probably from the column (栏目) of ________ in a magazine.

A. Life B. Travel C. Science D. Sports

【答案】16. A 17. D 18. A


【分析】本文主要讲述Bruce Kelley采访的四个人对“至今为止生命中最精彩的部分”的回答。


细节理解题。根据第一部分Janie的回答“Then after Italy, I went to Central America and worked with a team of volunteers.”可知作志愿者对Janie来说似乎是真正的亮点。故选A.


细节理解题。根据“Jing Wei began working at a fashion company last year.”可知Jing Wei去年在一家时尚公司找到了一份工作。故选D




Marianne Carus, who started Cricket(蟋蟀)magazine in 1973 and served as Editor-in-Chief(总主编)until 2012, died on March 3 at the age of 92 this year.

Marianne believed that “only the best of the best is good enough for the young.” In Cricket, children would find wonderful stories with beautiful art, and be encouraged by ideas in the humanities and sciences. Marianne looked for stories from around the world to awaken admiration for different peoples and cultures. Most important, Cricket would never talk down to children.

Marianne knew that children were filled with fun, and she wanted Cricket to be, too —“humor from the heart that makes you laugh out loud. ” And so. she named her literary magazines after a funny group of bugs(虫子), such as Lady bung and Spider.

Over the years. Cricket has been read by millions of children and given many writers and artists their start Marianne kept a special box of “love letters” to the magazine. She treasured these letters from Cricket readers

including long-ago readers. They told her that their interest in reading had begun with Cricket.

▲ She considered other names

such as Troubadour or Taliesin, the singers and storytellers of old who traveled from one place to another to share their songs and stories. Then one night, she was reading Isaac Bashevi Singer’s memoir(回忆录)A Day of Pleasure about his childhood in Warsaw. In it he wrote∶“There was a stove in Shosha’s apartment behind which there lived a cricket. It chirped the nights through all winter long I imagined the cricket was telling a story that would never end. ” That’s exactly what Marianne wanted her children’s magazine to do—to tell stories that would never end! So the name Cricker became her best choice.

Thank you for everything, Marianne. May the stories, and the laughter, never end!

19. Cricket is a magazine most probably for ________.

A. writer B. children C. artists D. teachers

20. According to the passage, Marianne ________.

A. made an effort to find the best stories

B. raised many bugs as her pets

C. replied to long-ago Cricket readers

D. started Cricket 39 years ago

21. Which of the following can be the best to fill in “ ▲ ” in Paragraph 5?

A. How was the life of crickets

B. When was the magazine Cricket born?

C. What did Marianne think of crickets?

D. Why did Marianne name her magazine Cricker?

22. The best title for the passage can probably be ________.

A. The Life of a Cricket B. Admiration for Different Cultures

C. Best Stories for the Young D. Achievements in Mariannes Life

【答案】19. B 20. A 21. D 22. D




细节理解题。根据“In Cicket, children would find wonderful stories with beautiful art, and be encouraged by ideas in the humanities and sciences.”可知,《蟋蟀》是一本最适合孩子们阅读的杂志。故选B。


细节理解题。根据“Marianne looked for stories from around the world to awaken admiration for different peoples and cultures.”Marianne寻找世界各地的故事来唤起人们对不同民族和文化的敬佩。可知,Marianne努力寻找全世界最优秀的故事,故选A。


词句猜测题。根据下文“She considered other names, such as Troubadour or Taliesin,… That’s exactly what Marianne wanted her children’s magazine to do—to tell stories that would never end! So the name Cricker became her best choice.”主要介绍了给杂志起名为蟋蟀的原因,因此D选项“为什么Marianne把她的杂志命名为《蟋蟀》?”符合题意,故选D。




The Youth Climate Summit (气候峰会) a week-long festival of climate action for primary and middle schools in the UK, starts on 9 November. It aims to create a fairer, more environmental world and make promises that will help the planet. Climate change is the long-term changes in the world’s weather patterns that are mostly caused by human activity. “Unlike world leaders,” say the summit’s organizers, “young people are refusing to let it drop off the plan.”

Each day has a topic, which includes food and fashion, looking at how humans harm the environment and how to save the planet. Organizations are leading some on line activities. For example, the Marine Conservation Society is hosting meetings on protecting sea fish. Separately, the environmental organization Greenpeace is running a workshop on how to turn worn-out clothing into something new and wearable.

The summit will finish on 13 November, when youth ambassadors (大使) wants schools to stop paper waste. Max, another 16-year-old ambassador wants schools to organize more trips and activities that get students outside to experience the beauty of nature. As part of the summit, hundreds of schools across the country are signing up to the Let’s Go Zero activity, aiming to become carbon-zero (零碳的) by 2030.

Carbon-zero schools are ones that promise to stop emitting carbon in seven areas, including where they get their food and how they use water and recycle their waste. The activity is run by Ashden, a charity working towards climate solutions. Ashden hopes that schools will be able to help each other by sharing ideas and methods. It is also calling on the Government to back the promise. Head over to where you can find out more.

23. The writer develops the first sentence in Paragraph 2 mainly by ________.

A. telling stories B. comparing facts C. giving examples D. listing numbers

24. Max advises schools to ________.

A. recycle and reuse old clothes

B. prevent students from wasting paper

C. have meetings on saving endangered sea fish

D. provide more chances for students to enjoy the nature

25. The underlined word "emitting" in Paragraph 4 is the closest in meaning to “________”.

A. using up B. taking in C. sending out D. cutting down

26. The purpose of the passage is mainly to ________.

A. explain the problems with climate change

B. develop children’s ability to solve social problems

C. introduce the environmental organizations to schools

D. encourage young people to care more about climate change

【答案】23. C 24. D 25. C 26. D




细节理解题。根据“For example, the Marine Conservation Society is hosting meetings on protecting sea fish. Separately, the environmental organization Greenpeace is running a workshop on how to turn worn-out clothing into something new and wearable.”列举了Marine Conservation Society和Greenpeace两个组织的具体行动,表明作者是通过列举具体示例来说明第一句的。故选C。


细节理解题。根据“Max, another 16-year-old ambassador wants schools to organize more trips and activities that get students outside to experience the beauty of nature.”可知Max建议学校多组织一些户外的短途旅行和活动等,以此来帮助学生体验大自然的美,故选D。


词义猜测题。根据“Carbon-zero schools”以及全文都提及气候变化,可推测出"零碳学校"倡导的是停止碳的“排放"。emitting与“sending out”意思相近。故选C。




If we want to grow as people, we can’t just depend on our own evaluation (评价) of how we’re doing. We also need to know what other people think about our performance. Receiving feedback (反馈) from others can help us see the larger picture and show us a way forward to success. However, someone has to give that feedback, and sometimes, that someone will be you. How should you deal with this?

First things first—if you notice a situation in which some feedback would be helpful, give it as soon as you can. If you wait until the matter disappears from the person’s mind, they might not understand what you’re trying to tell them. Take the person to a safe, comfortable place and offer your advice in private.

When you’re giving feedback, it’s important to keep in mind that no one likes to be told they’re doing a bad job. Make sure you give an equal (相等的) amount of good feedback to balance out (平衡) anything bad. Like the saying goes, “A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.”

All good feedback shares something in common. First, it should help achieve a goal. It’s less useful to tell your friends that their dish tastes “interesting” than it is to suggest adding a little salt. Feedback should also look toward the future. You can’t change what’s already happened, but you can prevent it from happening again. Tell your friends they should take more notes in class instead of talking about how they should have studied harder for the big history exam they failed.

Finally, don’t think your suggestion is the only correct way to deal with a situation. You might even end up with some feedback on your feedback. Don’t take it personally — it can only help you give better advice next time

27. What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?

A. Seeing the picture. B. Giving feedback

C. Receiving feedback. D. Showing a way to success

28. Why is it important to give feedback in time according to Paragraph 2?

A. You might forget to tell the person later on.

B. Perhaps the person wants the feedback right away.

C. Maybe the person needs time to understand your advice.

D. If you wait too long, the person might forget what’s happened.

29. What can we infer (推断) from the underlined saying in Paragraph 3?

A. It’s helpful to keep on giving bad feedback.

B. It’s difficult to do a good job all the time.

C. It’s better to balance good and bad feedback.

D. It’s important to think twice before giving feedback.

30. The passage is mainly about ________.

A. what characters good feedback includes

B. how people should give feedback properly

C. the differences between good and bad feedback

D. the importance of giving and receiving feedback

【答案】27. B 28. D 29. C 30. B




代词指代题。根据“However, someone has to give that feedback, and sometimes, that someone will be you. How should you deal with this?”可知此处问该如何处理反馈,this指代上文中出现过的“feedback”。故选B。


细节理解题。根据“First things first—if you notice a situation in which some feedback would be helpful, give it as soon as you can. If you wait until the matter disappears from the person’s mind, they might not understand what you’re trying to tell them.”可知及时给予反馈很重要是因为如果你等得太久,对方可能会忘记发生了什么。故选D。


推理判断题。根据第三段第一句提及没有人喜欢被告知自己做的不好。第二句中又提到“Make sure you give an equal amount of good feedback to balance out anything bad.”可知,在给出反馈的时候需要平衡好的反馈和坏的反馈。故选C。



四、任务型阅读(本题有5 小题, 每小题1分;共计5 分)

下面是宇航员 Jose Hernandez的采访页面。阅读该页内容, 然后所给的A、B、C、D、E五个选项中选出符合各段内容的问题, 完成第 1~5小题。

5 Questions for Jose Hernandez

As a kid, he dreamed big dreams— then worked hard to make them come true.


We were farm workers. Until I was 12, my family moved around every two or three months, following the harvest (丰收) of crops in California. That helped define me: I always work hard.


It was December of 1972. I was 10, watching the final Apollo mission on a black-and-white TV. When I saw astronaut Gene Cernan walking on the Moon, I told myself, “I want to be an astronaut.”


NASA refused me not once, not twice, but eleven times! I finally got chosen the twelfth time. Five years later, I flew on my first mission to the International Space Station. Never give up!


Floating(漂浮)! You’re always floating.

My favorite food was a burrito with scrambled eggs. We take tortillas to space because bread creates tiny pieces. It’s really fun.


As we passed over North America, I could see Canada, the US, Mexico, and other parts of Latin America. It surprised me that I couldn’t tell where one country ended and the next started. Borders are human-made. From up there, we’re just one.

A. When did you decide to be an astronaut?

B. What did you love about space?

C. What was your life like as a kid?

D. What was it like to see the earth from space?

E. What challenges did you face?

【答案】31. C 32. A 33. E 34. B 35. D


【分析】本文是宇航员 Jose Hernandez的采访。


根据“Until I was 12, my family moved around every two or three months, following the harvest (丰收) of crops in California.”可知此段介绍了Jose小时候的事。C选项“你小时候的生活什么样”符合。故选C。


根据“It was December of 1972.”和“I want to be an astronaut.”可知此段介绍了何时Jose有了成为宇航员的想法。A选项“你什么时候决定做一个宇航员”符合。故选A。


根据“NASA refused me not once, not twice, but eleven times! I finally got chosen the twelfth time. ”可知此段介绍了Jose成为宇航员遇到的困难。E选项“你面临什么挑战”符合。故选E。


根据“My favorite food was a burrito with scrambled eggs. ”可知此段介绍太空中Jose喜欢的事物。B选项“你爱太空的什么”符合。故选B。


根据“As we passed over North America, I could see Canada, the US, Mexico, and other parts of Latin America. ”可知此段介绍作者看到地球的样子。D选项“从太空看地球是什么感觉”。故选D。

五、词汇运用(本题有 15 小题, 每小题 1 分∶共计 15 分)

A. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空, 每词仅用一次, 每空一词。

beside seldom produce lovely ten

36. Tom got a watch as a gift on his ________ birthday.

37. This kind of cotton ________ in Xinjiang. Many clothes are made from it.

38. Ann ________ watches soap operas in her free time.

39. What a ________ day! I’m sure we’ll have a good trip today.

40. I always keep a dictionary ________ me while learning English.

【答案】36. tenth

37. is produced

38. seldom 39. lovely

40. beside




句意:汤姆在十岁生日时得到了一块手表作为礼物。根据“on his ... birthday”可知此处用序数词表示第几岁生日,ten的序数词tenth,意为“第十”。故填tenth。


句意:这种棉花产自新疆。许多衣服都是用它做的。根据“in Xinjiang”可推出是产于新疆,produce生产,与主语之间是动宾关系,结合“Many clothes are made from it.”可知此处用一般现在时的被动语态,其结构为am/is/are done。根据“This kind”可知be动词用is。故填is produced。






句意:学习英语时,我总是在身边放一本词典。根据“while learning English”可推出是在自己旁边放词典方便学英语,beside在……旁边。故填beside。

B. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示, 在空白处写出单词的正确形式, 每空限填一词。

At 7 am, we got on the state-of-the-art Fuxing Hao train at Shanghai Railway Station. We stored our ___41___ (背包) and found our seats. Unlike other trains which start with a shake and much ___42___ (噪音), this train felt so smooth that if you were not looking out of windows, you could ____43____ (几乎不) tell we were moving. Yet, within minutes, we were passing over the rails at speeds of more than 350 kilometers an hour.

Soon, the towns of ____44____ (东部的) China were rushing by. I saw my wife smiling and ____45____ (指向) to a coin she had balanced on the table. She took another coin and balanced it next to the first, and then another, until she had a ___46___ (行) of coins. They stood there on the table for more than 20 minutes before one finally fell over.

After that, we ____47____ (两个都) went back to reading and enjoying the beauty outside. We felt quite ___48___ (放松的). Then, before we knew it, we heard the announcement that we were arriving in Beijing. For 1,318 kilometers, we ____49____ (花费) only 4 hours and 38 minutes. Thanks to high speed trains, we can travel in China much more conveniently. No ____50____ (疑惑), they will also bring the people of the country closer together, and in time bring about deep social changes, the full nature of which no one can fully guess.

【答案】41. backpack##backpacks##bag##bags

42. noise 43. hardly

44. eastern##East

45. pointing

46. line##row

47. both 48. relaxed

49. spent 50. doubt




句意:我们把背包放好,找到座位。“背包”译为backpack或bag,根据“I saw my wife ...”可知两人是夫妻,可能是同一个背包也可能是每人一个,用单复数均可。故填backpack/backpacks/bag/bags。



















句意:毫无疑问,它们也将使这个国家的人民更加紧密地联系在一起,并最终带来深刻的社会变革,其完整性质无人能完全猜测。“疑惑”译为doubt,no doubt毫无疑问。故填doubt。

六、语法填空(本题有 10 小题, 每小题1分;攻击 10 分)

阅读下面的短文, 在空白处填入一个适当的词, 或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。

Ten-year-old Orion Jean has always known that kindness is important. He often practiced it by volunteering with his family. ___51___, after entering the National Kindness Speech Contest, he became more active in it. Now he works to spread kindness everywhere through projects which help others. He calls ___52___ (he) action the Race to Kindness.

After ___53___ teacher told him about the contest, Orion had only 24 hours to write, memorize ___54___ record his speech. In it, he talked ___55___ the importance of kindness. “Kindness is like spreading hugs around the world to those who need it.” Orion said. He encourages ___56___ (listener) to join him in “the race of kindness” by doing small, kind acts for others. Orion’s speech won the contest. He used his $500 prize ____57____ (collect) 619 toys for a local children’s hospital. After that, Orion wanted to make an even ____58____ (big) influence. In charity he packed meal boxes for people in need including a kind message for each receiver.

Orion says, “If someone is treated ____59____ (kind), it can make their day brighter and encourage that person to be kind to somebody else. And then it just _____60_____ (grow) and makes the world a better place.”

【答案】51. However

52. his 53. a

54. and 55. about

56. listeners

57. to collect

58. bigger 59. kindly

60. grows













句意:在演讲中,他谈到了善良的重要性。talk about sth.意为“谈论某事”,结合句意,故填about。




句意:他用500美元的奖金为当地一家儿童医院收集了619件玩具。use sth. to do sth.意为“使用某物做某事”,故填to collect。







七、书面表达(本题有 1 小题, 共计 20 分)

61. 假如你是李华,请给你的外国好友Andrew写一封电子邮件,介绍你校美食文化节(food festival)的相关内容及举办目的, 并邀请他参加此次美食节。邮件内容包括:


2: 00 p.m. Friday, June 25th


the school playground


cook, have something delicious ...


experience Chinese food culture, raise money for charity.





To: Andrew

From Li Hua

Hi, Andrew

How is it going?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Looking forward to your reply.

Li Hua


Hi Andrew,

How is it going? Knowing that you are fond of food. I’m writing to invite you to attend our school food festival.

The festival will begin at 2:00 on Friday afternoon, June 25th on the school playground. We are glad to have something delicious like dumplings and zongzi. We can also cook food and sell it to our schoolmates to raise money for charity. The festival will surely offer us a good chance to show and experience Chinese traditional food culture. Besides, it is a good time for us to share happiness, love and team spirit. It’s a great pleasure to have you here with us.

Looking forward to your reply.

Li Hua





关于作者: luda

