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1-hello,I ' m Harry Potter-hello,我的名字是is Charles green,but _ _ _ _ _ _。

a:call my Charles b:call me at Charles c:

Call me Charles d: call Charles me回答:c

2-hello,I'm David chen.nice to meet you。-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a:are you?b:

nice to meet you too . c:yes . d:very nice。回答:b。

3.-letme introduce myself . I ' m steward。-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a:what a pleasure.

pleased to meet you . c:I don ' t know . d:thanks a lot。回答:b。


 4. --- How do you do?   --- _________  A:Fine, thank you. B:How do you do?

   C:Not too bad.   D:Very well. 答案:B 

5. --- How do you do? --- _________ A:Very well.  B:

How do you do? C:I'm a doctor. D:Nice to have known you. 答案:B 

6. --- How do you do? Glad to meet you. --- _________  A:Fine. How are you?     B:

How do you do? Glad to meet you, too. C:How are you? Thank you!    D:Nice. How are you? 答案:B  其他的说法还有 “Nice to meet you.”, “Nice to know you.” 

7. - Paul, this is my friend, Ann. - _________  A:Very well, thank you.      B:How do you like the party? C:Glad to meet you, Jack.  D:

Glad to meet you, Ann. 答案:D 

8. -_______  -Please call me Mary. That's my first name. A:How can I name you?  B:

How shall I address you?  C:What is it called?      D:Are you Mary? 答案:B 

9. -- Hi, I'm glad to see you. --____________.  A:Thank you        B:

Me, too       C:My name is Mary      D:I'm glad to hear that 答案:B 

10. --Hi! Jim. This is my brother Peter. 

 2  -- _________    A:How are you?  B:Fine, thank you.  C:

Nice to meet you.  D:You are very kind. 答案: C  

(二) 熟人之间的问候

 11. --- How are you, Bob? --- _______, Ted.  A:How are you? B:

I'm fine. Thank you.  C:How do you do? D:Nice to meet you. 答案:B  12.  --- Hello, how are you?  ---_________  A:Hello, how are you?  B:How do you do?  C:

Fine, thank you.  D:That's OK. 答案:C 

13. --- Good morning, John. How are you doing? (= How are you?) --- _________  A:I'm pleased. B:Good night. C:

Not so bad. And you? D:How do you do? 答案:C  1

4. --- How's your mother doing? --- _________  A:She is very kind.      B:She is very well.

  C:She is not very old.  D:She is doing shopping now. 答案:B 

15. --- How's your family? --- _________  A:Thanks all the same.  B:Thanks for calling.  C:

Not too bad.             D:Don't mention it. 答案:C 

16. --- Hi, Tom, how's everything with you? --- ___________, and how are you?  A:Don't mention it B:

Hm, not too bad C:Thanks  D:Pretty fast 答案:B 

17. --- How are you feeling? --- Much better. ______.  A:

Thanks for coming to see me B:You look great  C:You are so kind    D:Don't mention it 答案:A 

18.  --- Hey, Tom, what's up? --- __________  A:Yes, definitely!      B:Oh, not much.

  C:What is happening in your life?  D:You are lucky. 答案:B  “what's up?”的意思是“(你)怎么了?”或“出了什么事?”;如果回答是“not much”,其意思是“没什么大不了的”。

 19. -Ted: Hi, Christine. ______________.    -Christine: Hi, Ted. I just bought a new camping tent. I can’t wait to use it.     A. What’s on?     

B. What’s up? C. What’s wrong?     D. What’s right?  答案:B 

20. - Nice to see you again, Mr. Smith. How are you? 

  A:I miss you.             B:

Fine. Thank you. And you? C:Are you OK?           D:This way, please. 答案:B  


21. --- Good-bye for now.  --- _________  A:The same to you. B:That's OK. C:

See you.  D:Long time no see. 答案:C 

22. - It’s late. I have to say goodbye. - ______  A. Why do you want to go now?  B. I’d like to say goodbye, too. C. That’s all right.     

D. Hope you had a good time. See you tomorrow. 答案:D 

23. -W: I've come to say goodbye. I'm flying home on Sunday afternoon. -M: Well, _______   A. will your parents meet you at the airport?       B. help yourself. 

C. have a safe trip and remember me to your parents.  D. I’m longing to see you. 答案:C 

24. --- Marilyn, I'm afraid I have to be leaving now. --- ____________      A:That sounds wonderful. B:

Oh, so early? C:Not at all.  D:Good luck! 答案:B

  25. -Well, it’s getting late. I must be going. Thank you again for inviting me to the party. -__________.  A. Oh, it’s so late            

B. Thank you for coming C. Oh, so soon?             D. I really had a happy time   答案:B 

26. -Guest: Oh, it’s ten o’clock. I’d better go now.   -Host: ______   A. OK. Please walk slowly.     B. Why do you want to go now? Don’t you want to stay? C. Won’t you stay

 for another cup of coffee? D. Yeah, it’s really late. Why not immediately? 答案:C 

27. -Speaker A: Well, it’s getting late. Maybe we could get together sometime. -Speaker B: _______   A. 

Sounds good. I’ll give you a call   B. Take it easy  C. Nice to see you back     D. Yes, I’ve enjoyed it  答案:A


28. --- Who's that speaking?(讲话者是谁呀?,相当于“您是哪位啊?”) --- This is Tom______.(讲话者是汤姆。) A:speaks B:spoken C:

speaking  D:saying 答案:C 

29. --- Is Mary there? --- _________ A:

Speaking.  B:I'm not Mary. C:Who are you? D:Mary is well today. 

 4  答案:A (“speaking”的意思是“讲话者就是Mary”。) 

30. --- Could I speak to Don Watkins, please? --- ________  A:I'm listening. B:Oh, how are you? C:

Speaking, please. D:I'm Don. 答案:C  31.  — Could I speak to John Harris, please?      —_____________.  A. Oh, how are you  B. I’m John  C. I’m listening    D. 

Speaking 答案:D 

32. -Is that Mr. Robert Lee?  -_____________.  A. Yes, Lee speaking

           B. Hello, what do you want C. Sorry, speaking             D. I don’t know 答案:A 

33. --- Good morning, may I speak to Mark, please? --- _________  A:Who's there?    B:Who's speaking?

(“讲话者是谁呀?”) C:Who are you?   D:Who wants to speak to Mark? 答案:B 

34.  --- Hi, is Mary there, please? --- _____  A:Hold on. I'll get her.

  B:No, she isn't here. C:Yes, she lives here.  D:Yes, what do you want? 答案:A 

35.  --- Hello, may I talk to the director now? --- _________.  A:Sorry, he is busy at the moment

   B:No, you can't C:Sorry, you can't       D:I don't know 答案:A  36. --- Thank you for calling. --- _________  A:Don't mention it.  B:That's fine.  C:

Nice talking to you.  D:Call back again. 答案:C 

37. — Good morning, Dr Johnson’s office. Can I help you?  —________  A. Speaking, please.       B. I’d like to make an appointment, please

. C. Yes, go on.    D. No, you can’t. 答案:B 

38.  — Hello, is that Shanghai Airlines?  —_____________ .  A. 

Yes, can I help you?         B. Yes, what do you want? C. Yes, you’re right            D. Yes, right number 答案:A 

39. --- Hello, can you tell me if the library will be open Saturday evening?  --- ______. I’ll find out.  A. No, I can’t   B. 

Hold the line, please  C. Yes, it will be open D. Sorry, I don’t know   答案:B  40.  - Operator. (我是接线员) 

 ____________  A. would you please put me through to extension 211? (请接分机211

)  B. may I know your name?    C. does this bus go to the train station?      D. could you show me something less expensive? 答案:A  41. - Hello, I'd like to speak to Mark, please. - _____________________  A:Yes, I'm Mark.                    B:

This is Mark speaking.  C:It's me here.                       D:This is me. 答案:B 

42. - May I speak to Mr. White?   - I'm afraid he isn't in. This is his secretary speaking. Can I help you? - _______  A:Oh, what's a pity!             B:

Thanks, would you please take a message for me?  C:I don't think so.            D:Well, I look forward to hearing from you. 答案:B 

43. - Hello, I'd like to speak to Mr. Wang. - He's out to lunch now. _______ - Sure, thank you.  A:Sorry, you can't.              B:I don't know.  C:No, you can't.               D:

Would you mind calling back later? 答案:D 

44. --Hello, I'd like to speak to John, please. --_____  A:No, I'm Mary.      B:

This is Mary speaking. C:It's him here.     D:This is him. 答案:B 

45. -- Hello! Is that Mr Wang speaking? -- _________  A:

Yes. This is Mr Wang speaking. B:Yes. Can I speak to Mr Wang? C:Sorry, you'd better ask Mr Wang. D:No, I can't speak. 答案:A 

46. - May I speak to Dr. Brown? - _________     A:Yes, he is not in at the moment.           B:No, you can't.  C:

Yes, this is Brown speaking.             D:Sorry, speaking.  答案: C  

五、道歉与应答  做了不如人意的事情或者出现了过失,一般要及时道歉,并简要说明理由,或者表达不会再出现类似的事情;而接受道歉的人往往会说Never mind(别在意),It doesn’t matter (没关系),That's Okay ,That’s all right (不要紧),don't worry about it(别担心)等。 

47. --- I'm sorry. I lost the key. --- ________.           A:

Well, it's OK  B:No, it's all right   C:You are welcome D:You are wrong 答案:A 

48. --- Oh, sorry to bother you. --- __________.  A:

That's Okay  B:No, you can't   C:That's good  D:Oh, I don't know 答案:A 

49. ---Sorry, I have kept you waiting.  ---_________________.  

A. That’s all right  B. I don’t care   C. I’m sad  D. No, not at all.  答案:A  50. --- I'm terribly sorry that I've spilled some coffee on the carpet. --- _______. A:Sorry  B:

It doesn't matter C:That's right D:Don't mention it 答案:B 

51. --- I didn't mean to do that. Please forgive me.    --- _________  A:Not too bad.     B:

That's all right.   C:It's a pleasure.   D:Thank you. 答案:B 

52. --- Oh, I’m sorry. But I promise I’ll be careful next time.  ---_________.  A. It’s nothing at all         B. 

Oh, never mind. It doesn’t matter C. Thank you              D. There are no questions 答案:B 

53. --- John, I’m sorry to be late. Thank you for waiting. --- Oh, ______. I’ve been here only 5 minutes.  A. you should be earlier   B. I really got bored  C. 

I don’t mind    D. I don’t care  答案:C 

54. -W: I'm afraid I spilled coffee on the tablecloth.  -M: _______  A. You should have been more careful.  B. Do you think I care?  C. Then wash it for me.     D. 

Oh, don't worry about it. 答案:D 

55. - I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. - _____________________  A:

It doesn't matter.     B:Forget it. C:My pleasure.      D:It's nice of you. 答案:A 

56. - Sorry to give you so much trouble. - _________ A:I think so.       B:Oh, I'm sorry. C:

It's OK.       D:You are busy. 答案:C 

57. -Oh dear! I’ve just broken a window. -___________ ! It can’t be helped. 

 7  A. Great      

B. Never mind  C. That’s fine    D. Not at all 答案:B 

58. --- I'm sorry I broke your mirror.  --- Oh, really? _______. A:

It doesn't matter    B:Don't be sorry C:Not at all      D:It's OK with me 答案:A 

59. - I'm sorry. I missed the bus.     - ______        A:I hope it won't happen again. B:I accept your apology.  C:You should be very sorry. Never mind. D:

It could happen to anyone. 答案:D   

关于作者: luda

