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为使学生了解更多的航天知识,你校决定举行一次关于航天科学(Space Science)的讲座,假设你是国际学校的学生会主席李华,请用英语写一则书面通知,内容包括:1.讲座的时间、地点;2.讲座的目的及内容;3.希望同学们踊跃参加。注意:1.词数80左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Notice________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The Students' Union


NoticeIn order to let students learn more about Space Science, a lecture about it will be held in the school hall at 2 o'clock this Friday afternoon and will last two lecture mainly involves 2 parts, the first of which is a brief introduction of our recent launch. The second part will be given by the same experts and will be about the scientific benefits of space flight. It will be given in such a way that you will understand it. You will learn a lot from the lecture and have a better understanding of who is interested in the lecture is welcome.The Students' Union【分析】本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求考生用英语写一则书面通知,介绍学校关于航天科学的讲座情况。【详解】1.词汇积累演讲:speech→lecture了解:know about→learn about最近的:latest→recent感兴趣:take an interest in=be interested in2.句式拓展合并简单句原句:It will be given in such a way that you will understand it. You will learn a lot from the lecture and have a better understanding of space.拓展句:Since it will be given in such a way that you will understand it, you will learn a lot from the lecture and have a better understanding of space.【点睛】[高分句型1] In order to let students learn more about Space Science, a lecture about it will be held in the school hall at 2 o'clock this Friday afternoon and will last two hours. (运用了不定式作目的状语)[高分句型2] The lecture mainly involves 2 parts, the first of which is a brief introduction of our recent launch. (运用了“介词+关系代词”结构非限制性定语从句)


(2021·四川省成都市新都一中高二期末)假定你是某中学学生李华,你的美国笔友Tom对中国运动员苏炳添在东京奥运会上的表现印象深刻,特来信与你分享对他的钦佩之情,并询问谁是你最钦佩的运动员。请你根据以下要点给Tom写封回信:1.赞同Tom的看法;2.介绍自己钦佩的运动员;3.钦佩的理由。参考词汇:东京奥运会 Tokyo Olympics注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Tom,________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Yours,Li Hua


Dear Tom,How are you? From your letter I get to know Su Bingtian charms you. Yes, I couldn't agree more with you that he is an excellent athlete worth admiring. And indeed, his performance in Tokyo Olympics is ex a matter of fact, besides Su Bingtian, there are many other outstanding athletes in China too, among whom I admire Quan Hongchan most. She was born into a poor family. However, with her talent and more importantly, her persistent efforts, she changes her life. Her story really inspires me to pursue my own dream bravely.Su Bingtian and Quan Hongchan set a good example for us. We both should hold on to our dream, right?Best wishes!Yours,【解析】【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求考生给美国笔友Tom写封回信,介绍你最钦佩的运动员。【详解】1.词汇积累事实上:as a matter of fact →in fact优秀的:outstanding →excellent欣赏:admire →appreciate鼓励:inspire →encourage2.句式拓展简单句变复合句原句:And indeed, his performance in Tokyo Olympics is extraordinary.拓展句:And indeed, his performance in Tokyo Olympics is extraordinary, which is impressive.【点睛】[高分句型1] As a matter of fact, besides Su Bingtian, there are many other outstanding athletes in China too, among whom I admire Quan Hongchan most. (运用了介词+whom引导的非限制性定语从句)[高分句型2] Yes, I couldn't agree more with you that he is an excellent athlete worth admiring. (运用了that引导的宾语从句)


(2021·甘肃·兰州市第二十七中学高三阶段练习)假如你是高三学生李华。你的英国网友Jack看到中国运动员苏炳添在北京奥运会百米赛跑半决赛(semi-final)中刷新了亚洲记录,非常敬佩,想了解苏炳添的有关情况。请根据以下提示用英语给他回一封电子邮件。主要内容:1. 为苏炳添的成绩感到自豪;2. 简介有关情况,肯定他的付出和努力;3. 谈谈自己的感受。注意:1. 词数100-120左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 开头、结尾已给出,不计入总字数。Dear Jack,_________________________________________________Yours,Li Hua


Dear Jack,Knowing that you admire Su Bingtian very much because he broke the Asian record in the semi-final of the 100 meter race in the Tokyo Olympic Games, I’m proud of his achievement as well.Su Bingtian, the 32-year-old man, is a Chinese runner. He was born in Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province on August 20th, 1989. He took part in the regular match in November, 2004 for the first time. After that, he won many first prizes in all kinds of matches. Because of his dedication and efforts, in 2021, Su Bingtian did what no Chinese runner had done before, as he sprinted to secure a place in the 100m men’s final at the Olympic Games in Tokyo.He deserves this medal, and he really is a flying man of China, of A Hua【解析】【分析】本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求考生给敬佩苏炳添的英国网友Jack回一封电子邮件,向他介绍在东京奥运会百米赛跑半决赛中刷新了亚洲记录的中国运动员苏炳添。【详解】1.词汇积累对……自豪:take pride in=be proud of参加:participate in=take part in比赛:competition→match因为:due to/owing to= because of2.句式拓展合并简单句原句:Su Bingtian, the 32-year-old man, is a Chinese runner. He was born in Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province on August 20th, 1989.拓展句:Su Bingtian, the 32-year-old man, is a Chinese runner, who was born in Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province on August 20th, 1989.【点睛】[高分句型1] Knowing that you admire Su Bingtian very much because he broke the Asian record in the semi-final of the 100 meter race in the Tokyo Olympic Games, I’m proud of his achievement as well. (运用了现在分词作状语和that引导的宾语从句,because引导的原因状语从句)[高分句型2] Because of his dedication and efforts, in 2021, Su Bingtian did what no Chinese runner had done before, as he sprinted to secure a place in the 100m men’s final at the Olympic Games in Tokyo. (运用了what引导的宾语从句)




Dear classmates,While watching the historic moment when the three Chinese astronauts were sent up into space, I felt so excited that I couldn't hold back my tears. This great achievement has showed not only our advanced technology but also the great power of China. At the same time, it made me realize our responsibility. And I have made up my mind to have a good command of knowledge. Only in this way can we make great contributions to our country! Dear classmates, let's study harder for a more powerful China!Thanks for your listening.【解析】【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文。三位中国宇航员被成功送入太空,请你就此事写一篇发言稿。【详解】1.词汇积累激动的:thrilled→excited抑制:control→hold back决定:decide→make up one’s mind强大的:strong→powerful2.句式拓展合并简单句原句:At the same time, it made me realize our responsibility. And I have made up my mind to have a good command of knowledge.拓展句:At the same time, not only did it make me realize our responsibility, but also I have made up my mind to have a good command of knowledge.【点睛】[高分句型1] While watching the historic moment when the three Chinese astronauts were sent up into space, I felt so excited that I couldn't hold back my tears. (运用了when引导时间状语从句和结果状语从句)[高分句型2] Only in this way can we make great contributions to our country! (运用了部分倒装)


(2021·江苏徐州·高三期中)神州十三号顺利升空,王亚平成为我国第一个太空行走的女性航天员;她十几年如一日刻苦训练,从不言弃,终于实现了自己的航天梦。你校正组织向她学习的征文活动,请你写一篇英语短文,介绍她的优秀品质,并谈谈作为青年人如何向她学习。注意:1.写作词数应为80左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。My Space Hero________________________________________________________


Yaping Wang , the first female astronaut who performed spacewalk by Shenzhou XIII, deserves our highest respect for her persistence in the decade-long arduous training. Never did she say never and ultimately she lived her space dream.How can we young people learn from Yaping, especially her perseverance, resilience and diligence? Firstly, when failing in exams, we need to reflect on our weak points and do countless exercise rather than drown ourselves in sorrow or disappointment. Regarding difficulties we meet in our daily life, bouncing back from low spirits and quickly regaining our composure as Yaping Wang did definitely count.【解析】【分析】本篇书面表达属于开放性作文,要求考生根据女航天员王亚平的事迹,写一篇征文,谈谈如何向她学习优秀品质。【详解】1.词汇积累终于:ultimately→finally考虑:reflect on→think over艰苦的:arduous→hard恢复:bounce back→recover2.句式拓展简单句变复合句原句:How can we young people learn from Yaping, especially her perseverance, resilience and diligence?拓展句:How can we young people learn from Yaping, when it comes to her perseverance, resilience and diligence?【点睛】【高分句型1】Yaping Wang , the first female astronaut who performed spacewalk by Shenzhou XIII, deserves our highest respect for her persistence in the decade-long arduous training. (运用了who引导的定语从句)【高分句型2】Never did she say never and ultimately she lived her space dream.(运用了倒装句式)


(2022·江苏·姜堰中学高二期末)假定你是李华,受学校英文报的约稿,写一篇关于我国2021年6月17日神州十二号航天员(聂海胜、刘伯明和汤洪波)进入太空并在太空执行为期3个月的飞行任务的英文报道。内容包括:1. 新闻概要;2. 太空生活和工作;3. 意义。注意:1. 词数应为80左右2. 可适当增加情节使行文连贯。Shenzhou-12 China launched first crew to new space station________________________________________________________


Shenzhou-12 China launched first crew to new space stationChina launched three astronauts into orbit by Shenzhou-12 to begin occupation of the country’s new space station, which lasted 3 months from June, 17th of 2021.The life up in space was totally different from that on the earth, which posed a lot of challenges to the astronauts. They performed some daily routines as well as scientific researches and experiments in the circumstances of low gravi it turns out, it is China’s longest crewed space mission to date, demonstrating China’s growing confidence and capability in the space domain.【解析】【分析】本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求考生写一篇关于我国2021年6月17日神州十二号航天员(聂海胜、刘伯明和汤洪波)进入太空并在太空执行为期3个月的飞行任务的英文报道。【详解】1. 词汇积累开始:begin→start完全地:totally→completely每日的:daily→everyday能力:capability→ability2. 句式拓展同义句转化原句:As it turns out, it is China’s longest crewed space mission to date, demonstrating China’s growing confidence and capability in the space domain.拓展句:As it turns out, it is China’s longest crewed space mission to date, which demonstrates China’s growing confidence and capability in the space domain.【点睛】[高分句型1]China launched three astronauts into orbit by Shenzhou-12 to begin occupation of the country’s new space station, which lasted 3 months from June, 17th of 2021. (运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)[高分句型2]The life up in space was totally different from that on the earth, which posed a lot of challenges to the astronauts.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)

关于作者: luda

