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读《包法利夫人》有感,My thoughts about Madame Bovary

我的first impression of madame Bovary was famous,beyond that,I knew nothing . when I was in middle school,我的Chinese teacher told us madamesince then,I still remember my divine duty . until this day I thought I have already enough knowledge on reading English books . I bought one,one

我对包法利夫人的第一印象是有名的,除此之外一无所知。(英国)阿尔伯特艾尔伯特(Bart Orthern Exposure)。


When I finished reading, in fact, I was disappointed. Because people(you see I say people, because of including men and women) like Madame Bovary are normal, you are able to detect at anywhere anytime. They are doing everything they thought it's meaningful in order to seek their dreams or, in some sense, ambition at the expense of their original families.


Mr. Flaubert portrayed Madame Bovary as a victim of seeking personal happiness and love. Really? From my perspective, she wasn't a literal victim, instead, it's her committed and hard-working, loyal husband and, especially, their kid, a lovely girl. She betrayed her husband, had had two affairs with two different men; even worse, borrowed too much money to match her lovers' appetite. That money finally led to her suicide. What a stunning view! What a stupid Madame Bovary.

福楼拜把包法利夫人描绘成一个追求个人幸福和爱情的受害者。真的吗?在我看来,她并不是真正的受害者,相反,是她忠诚、勤奋、忠诚的丈夫,尤其是他们的孩子,一个可爱的女孩。她背叛了丈夫,和两个不同的男人有过两次婚外情,更糟糕的是,为了满足情人的胃口,她借了太多的钱。这些钱最终导致了她的自杀。 多美的景色啊!真是个愚蠢的包法利夫人。

Do I need to express my sympathy? No!

我需要表达我的同情吗? 不!

Would it be rational to seek her real love? Yes!

寻找她的真爱是理性的吗? 是的!

It all boils down to human nature.


关于作者: luda

