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21. Mary failed in the running competition for _____ first time, but she wanted to try ____ second time .

A. / , / B. the, the C. a, / D. the ,a

22.—Is _____ ready for the picnic ?

--No, ____ is wrong with my bike . I can't go bike riding with you

A. something ,something B. anything ,something

C. everything ,something D. anything ,everything

23.We can put the lamp (台灯)____ the bed for reading books at night

A. in B. with C. on D. by

24. As I was a child , my mother always ____ vegetable in the garden.

A. avoided B. grew C. refuse D. raise

25.When Tom was in trouble , he chose to work hard again _____ giving up his dream .

A. instead of B. try out C. stand for D. read out

26. Every time I went to a strange environment , I always felt a little _____.

A. very lonely B. lonelier C. the more lonely D. loneliest

27.We often _____ the teacher ____ the gardens in our in our life .

A. put up B. compare to C. join in D. cheer on

28.—Can you find our city ____ a lot in recent years?

--Yes, The road is wider and the buildings are taller .A. has changed B. changes C. changed D. will change

29.—May I see Mr .Lin , please ?

--Well , I'm afraid he's not in at the moment . I think he ____ back soon

A. came B. has come C. will be D. was

30. The children can go with us , ____ they can stay at home.

A. unless B. because C. since D. or

31.Whenever Lucy meets with difficulties , she _____ by he parents .

A. is encouraged B. encourages C. encouraged D. be encouraged

32. Each of us plans _____ some more beautiful scenery next week .

A. seeing B. to see C. saw D. see

33.—I believe _____ Chinese astronauts will be able to land on the moon one day .

-- I agree with you . But I 'm not sure ____ we can live on it .

A. that , if B. that ,that C. if ,that D. if ,if

34.When I arrived Tianjin, it ____

A. rained B. rains C. was raining D. is raining

35.—It's so hot today . what about going swimming ?


A. never mind B. good idea C. you're welcome D. don't worry



In China, very few children make pocket money, 36, in western countries, most kids make pocket money by themselves. They make money in many different 37 . When kids are very young, their parents help them sell the fruits of their own trees to neighbors. Kids may also help 38 do housework to make money at home. When they 39 sixteen, they can make money by sending newspapers or by working in fast food restaurants, 40 during the summer holidays.

There are many 41 of making pocket money by kids themselves. First of all, they learn the 42 of money by working hard so that they will not waste any. Secondly, they learn to 43 money to buy things they need or want, such as books, pencils, movies and even clothes they like. Thirdly, they learn to 44 the daily life problems by helping their parents or others. Making pocket money is 45or children when they grow up. That is why parents encourage their kids to make pocket money.

36.A: Also B: Anyway C: However D: Besides

37.A: ways B: levels C: homes D: countries

38. A: teachers B: friends C: parents D: neighbors

39.A: get B: have C: catch D: reach

40.A: really B: hardly C: properly D: especially

41.A: choices B: advantages C: problems D: lessons

42.A: fun B: value C: message D: purpose

43.A: count B: waste C: manage D: change

44.A: give up、B: look up C: deal with D: meet with

45.A: helpful B: careful C: beautiful D: successful




Dear Wang Lin,

It's a good idea to bring a small present when you go to a dinner party .Flowers are always nice ,or you may bring a bottle of wine if you know that your friends drink it .

You should arrive on time or five to ten minutes late . Don't get there early . if you're going to be more than fifteen minutes late ,you should call and tell them ,

Try to be free at the dinner table . if you don't know. About choosing the right fork or knife ,just watch the other people ,an follow them .if you still have no idea of what to do ,ask the person next to you .

If you like the food ,say so . of course ,you'll thank them for the meal and for their kindness . It 's also a good idea to send a thank – you card the day after.



46.Wang Lin wants to ____

A. make friends with Rose .

B. know some social customs for a dinner party

C. make her friends happy

D. give her friends a surprise

47.if you're asked to a dinner party but not sure about what to bring as a present , it is good to bring ____.

A. some friends B. some flowers C. a bottle of wine D. a knife and a fork

48. if you are going to be more than fifteen minutes late ,you should _____

A. call and tell them B. bring a bottle of wine

C. choose the right fork or knife D. arrive on time

49.Which of the follow is Not proper for joining in a dinner party ?

A. Get there 15 minutes earlier

B. make yourself at home

C. follow others to use forks and knives .

D. thank your friends for the meal

50. From the letters we've learned that it is very _____ to know something about American social customs .

A. difficult B. friendly C. enjoyable D. helpful


Sigmund Freud was a world—famous doctor of Vienna(维也纳). He was also a man full of humor(幽默). Once, at his 70th birthday party, a friend asked Freud if he could put his work into several words . "Well," said Freud, "we take the sick out of their trouble and return them to the common suffering(痛苦)."

As a devoted (忠实的) son, Freud often visited his old mother. His mother usually spent her summers in a small mountain town in Austria (奥地利). The King Josef usually spent his summers there, too. One day in the summer, a band (乐队) was playing a lively tune (曲子) when Freud's mother was sitting at the window and watching the people singing and dancing on Main Street. The old woman had a poor memory. She heard the band playing, but forgot it was the King's birthday. Freud was visiting his mother on her 95th birthday. He told his mother, "Mama, the band is playing for your birthday. " She believed him and had a wonderful day.

1. Freud was a famous ____ of Austria .

A. doctor

B. general

C. King

D. doctor

2. From what Freud said at his 70th birthday party, we can see that he was_____ .

A. a brave man

B. a sick man

C. a devoted man

D. a man full of humor

3. One day Freud came to the small mountain town for____ .

A. his mother's birthday

B. the King Josef's birthday

C. his 70th birthday

D. his holiday

4. Which of the four sentences is wrong?

A. Freud's mother and the King Josef usually spent their summers in the same place.

B. Freud's mother's birthday and the King's birthday were on the same day.

C. Freud's mother was so old that her memory was very bad.

D. Freud's mother knew that the band was playing for the King.

5. Freud's mother felt very happy on her 95th birthday because .

A. the King Josef himself came to celebrate (庆贺) her birthday

B. the people of the town came out to celebrate her birthday

C. she believed that the band was playing for her birthday

D. she heard the band playing a lively tune so wonderfully




A.What time will it begin?

B.Maybe she has one.

C.Do you want to borrow it from me?

D.Would you like to come?

E.But I am a little busy these days.

F.I must finish my homework first.

G.Here you are.

Dick: Excuse me, Lucy. Have you got a dictionary?

Lucy: Sorry, I haven't. You may ask Linda. 61 ______________

Dick: Excuse me, Linda. Have you got a dictionary?

Linda: Yes. 62 ___________________

Dick: Thank you so much. I'll give it back to you soon. By the way, tomorrow is my birthday. 63 ___________________

Linda: Yes, I'd love to. 64 _______________________

Dick: About seven o'clock.

Linda: I'll try to be there on time, but 65 __________________________

Dick: It doesn't matter. Work must come first.

61.____ 62.____ 63.____ 64.____ 65.____




Tom didn't like running ,when he got back to school ,he ____ ____.


The table ____ ____ too much room in our living room .


Can you ____ ____ the differences between the two pictures.


Every time he goes home ,his father will ____ him ____


When she closed the door ,she broke the glass ____ ____.


The school of the air

My name is Belinda. I am thirteen years old, and I come from Mount Elm Sheep Station in South Australia. I have got two sisters — Jenifer is eleven and Lisa is seven. We are all pupils at the School of the Air.

The School of the Air is a school for children who live far from the cities, and who are in a place which does not have a local school. So we have "air" lessons over the radio or on the computer. Our teachers are at Port Augusta, a city which is about 160 kilometers away.

In the morning we go to our classroom at 8:45. It is really just a small building. When we get there, we turn on the radio or computer and listen to what we should do. From then until twelve, we just do our usual lessons. In the afternoon, our mom makes us do some homework — well, not homework, but more work around the house.

We send our exercise "books" to our teachers by e-mail on Friday night. They mark them on Monday and Tuesday, and then send them back. We get them on Wednesday.

The Internet and the telephone help us get in touch with our teachers quickly and easily. We talk to our teachers once a week for about ten minutes. They tell us if we are doing well in the subject and what should be improved.

Next year I will be in a new school in Port Augusta. I will spend the weekdays there and come home at weekends. It will be good to be with teenagers of my age, but I will miss my family. I hope I will be happy there.

71.The school of the air is a school for children ____________.

72.The writer's teacher are at Port Augusta which ______________.

73.The classroom is really just __________________.

74.The writer will spend _______________________.

75.The writer will spend ________________ at a new school and come home at weekends















参考词汇:culture 文化;invite 邀请。

Dear David,

I've just got back home. I want to say "Thank you" most at the moment.


Li Hua

关于作者: luda

