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中国人民公安大学(工大,PEOPLE ' s PUBLIC Security University of CHINA)成立于1948年7月,是公安部直属的普通高校公安部高级警官学院,被誉为“共和国警官的摇篮”。


People's Public Security University of China

Politics and law double first-class public ordinary undergraduate

People's Public Security University of China (GSU), founded in July 1948, is located in Beijing. It is an ordinary institution of higher education directly under the Ministry of Public Security and a senior police college of the Ministry of Public Security. It is known as the "Cradle of Police Officers of the Republic of China". The People's Public Security University of China has gone through the stages of development, such as the North China School for Public Security Cadres, the Central School for Public Security Cadres and the Central People's Public Security College. In January 1984, it was rebuilt into a full-time college. In February 1998, the People's Public Security University of China merged with the former People's Police University of China to form the new People's Public Security University of China. In September 2015, the Political Department of the Ministry of Public Security designated the People's Public Security University of China as the supporting institution for the Strategic Research Institute for Public Security Development of the Ministry of Public Security.

关于作者: luda

