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第1405天© :数字贴纸,英文小说式人物和场景描写

第1405天© 英语超级写作奶爸,3.8年双语日记记录女儿生活


中英合计:97.7万字 英文39.1万字,中文58.6万字


第1405天 年) 2021年10月18日 (一)

A Diary for My Yunduo'er ©

Day 1405, Oct 18, 2021 (Mon)


Pushing open the bedroom's door a crack, I caught the merest but tantalizing glimpse of a jumble of flaming red on what seemed to be a piece of white paper, something that daddy obviously sneaked like greased lightning out of my sight for all he was worth. "I saw something," I proclaimed, walking briskly into the bedroom, into his vicinity. Seemingly flustered and apparently rooted to the spot by the table, daddy unexpectedly snapped, "No, no, I don't have anything, go back to mummy." The odds were that again in front of me was a con artist - Chenlaoshi has a knack for that - because now I had seen that "something" on his lap right under the table which gave good cover. But, Chenlaoshi, I'm not an easy touch, you know.


I retreated into the sitting room and lay down on the floor, grumbling with a crumpling face all the while, to force Chenlaoshi's hand. Hoping I would snap out of it, daddy caught up with me with a piece of paper of red stickers of numbers. I was wondering why there were no 1, 2, 3 and so on. Daddy pointed at the numbers and said, "You do have them here, look, 1, 2, 3." In fact, they were part of numbers 61, 62, 63....It turned out that Chenlaoshi was using the stickers to number the Diaries notebooks. He didn't get out the first numbers; otherwise his plan of the night would be a flop. "Big numbers I can buy you again," I overhead mummy saying to poor Chenlaoshi in a soothing tone.


关于作者: luda

