Head Shape: The head is large and broad, more wedge-shaped than round. The jaw is powerful and well developed with full cheeks, but muzzle is small in comparison to head size, without being pinched or snubbed. Ears are somewhat small with rounded tips and furnishings inside. Eyes are large and round with great expression and should always be in the yellow, gold, or copper range. Deep copper color is desireable.
Body and Tail: The body is large and full with a quality of mass. Full, muscular shoulders and hips. Short, strong, well-ruffed neck. The legs are short for the body and moderately boned with small round feet. Tail is medium size and tapered.
Coat: The coat should be plush and very dense, short to medium in length.
Pattern: The color is always solid blue with silver highlights. Some kittens and young adults have tail rings and faint striping, but this should fade by two years leaving a clear solid shade of blue over the entire body without markings or excessive shading.
皮毛图案:蓝灰色而毛尖呈银色。一些幼猫和青年猫的尾巴上会有轻微的条纹。但是这 种条纹随着猫的年龄会减轻,消失。或者留下过度的阴影色。
现在你应该也可以大概区分出这两种蓝猫了吧!^ ^~
Ps: Because this is a relatively rare cat, breeders of pedigree Chartreux kittens are often hard to find, and the price is may be a little higher for a pure-bred kitten.