An exhibition of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao rare collections was recently held in the Wu Yee Sun Library of the University of Macao.
Featuring the cultural interactions between China and the West in Macao in the past 400 years, these collections were borrowed from libraries and literature institutions across the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and were categorized into seven topics, such as the spread of western religions to the East.
1. 英国画家钱纳利笔下19世纪初期澳门的社会生活场景。作为一位对近代中西绘画交流产生深远影响的西方画家,钱纳利人生最辉煌的27年是在澳门度过的,大量画作见证了澳门的发展和历史。两百年前的大三巴牌坊、妈阁庙、炮台,在他的笔下栩栩如生,而现在这些建筑依旧完好,游人如织,让人感慨时光如梭。
乔治•钱纳利作品《澳门全景图》The panorama of Macao, by George Chinnery
The most eye-catching exhibit of all is the world's first Chinese-English, English-Chinese dictionary— A Dictionary of Chinese language—complied by Anglo-Scottish missionary Robert Morrison and printed in 1815. The dictionary was also one of the earliest Chinese books printed using the metal movable-type printing technology in the West.
2. 1815年印刷的《华英字典》。这是世界第一部英汉与汉英对照字典和中国境内最早使用西方活字印刷术印制的中文书籍,由英国传教士马礼逊编写。
马礼逊及其助手 Robert Morrison and his assistants
Also exhibited was the Portuguese language newspaper Abelha da China, the earliest foreign-language newspaper published in China. The dictionary and the newspaper together vividly presented the cultural exchanges between China and the West in Macao through the ancient Maritime Silk Road.
Visitors who want to have a look at Macao in the early 19th century may not want to miss the paintings by British painter George Chinnery, who had lived in Macao for 27 years and painted extensively about life in the city.
The exhibition was co-organized by Sun Yat-sen University Library, Hong Kong Baptist University Library, Macao Public Library, the Archives of Macao, Macao Museum, Library of Macao University of Science and Technology, and the Library of Macao University.
Source: WeChat(丝路云帆)