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Get sth sb是什么东西。例如,I get my desk clean我把我的桌子弄干净了。

2.regret to do sth后悔做了某事,regret doing sth后悔做了某事

I regret to play football我后悔踢足球

I regret playing football我后悔踢足球了。

3、manage to do sth管理做什么工作

I manage to do homework everyday我每天管理写操作

4、cut one's hair理发。

I can cut my hair 我能剪我的头发

5,get sth +done(动词过去分词)I can get my desk cleaned 我能让我的书桌弄干净

6,give up doing 放弃做某事 I give up smoking我放弃吸烟

7,be excited about 对。。。兴奋 I am excited about the movie 我对这部电影很兴奋

8,take photos 照相 I like taking photos 我喜欢照相

9,talk back 回嘴, Don’t talk back to your mother不要对你的妈妈回嘴

10,keep away from doing =stay away from doing 远离

I must keep away from/stay away from smoking 我必须远离吸烟

11,get in the way 阻碍 Playing computer games may get in the way of your study 打电脑游戏有可能影响你的学习

12,grow up 成长。 例如:I grow up healthily 我健康地成长

13,achieve one’s dream= dream come true 实现某人的梦想

I can achieve my dream =I can make my dream come true 我能实现我的梦想

14,I think you are right 我认为你是对的

I don’t think you are right 我认为你是错的

15,allow sb to do sth 允许某人去做某事。I allow you to play football 我允许你去踢足球

Allow doing 被允许去做某事。 I allow watching TV 我被允许看电视

sb be allowed to do sth 某人被允许去做某事

I am allowed to play football 我被允许去踢足球

16,safe 安全的,safely 安全地,safety 安全,(名词)

It’s safe 它是安全的,I come here safely 我安全地来到这里。 For your safety 为了你的安全

17,get sb to do sth 让某人去做

I get you to do homework


18,go on doing 继续做某事, go on to do sth 继续去做另一件事

I go on watching TV 我继续看电视。 I go on to watch TV (我停下手中的事情,继续去看电视)

19,on the way 在路上。 He is on the way to school 他在去上学的路上

20,by the way 顺便问问。 By the way ,How old are you 顺便问问,你多大了?

21,in this way 用这个方法。I can solve it in this way 我能用这个方法解决它

22,choose to do 选择去做

I choose to study English 我选择去学习英语

23,Only 开头,句子倒装(变成疑问句型)

Only do you like it 只有你喜欢它

24,stop sb from doing sth =prevent sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事

I can stop you from smoking =I can prevent you froom smoking 我能阻止你吸烟

25,agree with sb 同意某人 I agree with you 我同意你

Agree to do 同意去做 I agree to help you 我同意去帮助你

Agree on sth 达成共识=in agreement

例如:We agree on it =We are in agreement 我们达成共识

关于作者: admin

