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我们不能说英语“鸽子”、“违背诺言”、“违背诺言”,但我们能说英语did not show up at appointment吗?

如果“使用”你学的英语,英语did not show up at appointment是否有“放鸽子”、“违背约定”的意思?


现在和我一起吧。Yahoo did not show up at appointment



1.dealing with appointment no shows-wood cock associates

2.idiom for some body who didnt show up for an appointment/date

3.why we don ' t come : patient perceptions on no-shows

4.introduction handling missed appointments

you have(cancelled or did not show)for your follow-up appointment on(indicate date)without rescheduling . we were unave

5.hi,is there any idiom/phrase that is used when two persons have an appointment/date and one of them didnt turn up?

if you want to highlight the fact that you ' ve been waiting for quite some time in vain,you can use the phrasal verb ' stand some body up '


3)英语“翻译”成英语:Put English into English口语训练

1.好的。We have many ways to say放鸽子或违背约定的in English。

2.if some one failed to/did not come to meet you for your planned/scheduled appointment,we may say:

2a . you did not show up(at our appointment),or

2b。It was a no-show,or

2c。why didn' t you turn up (yesterday,at our date)?

2d.sorry I missed our appointment,or

2d。We can say:The guy stood me up。

But to stand somebidy up is an idiom。


关于作者: admin

